World Trigger

World Trigger (2014)

23m | Plot, Animation | Japan

Sanmen City, which has a population of 280000, suddenly opened a door to the unknown world one day. From the other end of the gate, monsters called "near-boundary people" swarmed out. While mankind panicked, it was found that the earth's existing weapons had no effect on the people in the near world. At a critical moment, the mysterious group realm defense organization "BORDER" appeared to repel the people near the border, and Sanmen City finally returned to its normal life in the past. For example, four and a half years later, the hidden junior high school student San Yunxiu (voiced by Yu Yugui), who is a member of "BORDER", meets the transfer student Lei Youzhen (voiced by Murakami), and the other person turns out to be a resident from the other side of the door. The purpose of this trip is to find his father. The two people who are divided into different camps are destined to collide fiercely in the war of fate. This film is based on Daisuke Wei's cartoon of the same name.

Sanmen City, which has a population of 280000, suddenly opened a door to the unknown world one day. From the other end of the gate, monsters called "near-boundary people" swarmed out. While mankind panicked, it was found that the earth's existing weapons had no effect on the people in the near world. At a critical moment, the mysterious group realm defense organization "BORDER" appeared to repel the people near the border, and Sanmen City finally returned to its normal life in the past. For example, four and a half years later, the hidden junior high school student San Yunxiu (voiced by Yu Yugui), who is a member of "BORDER", meets the transfer student Lei Youzhen (voiced by Murakami), and the other person turns out to be a resident from the other side of the door. The purpose of this trip is to find his father. The two people who are divided into different camps are destined to collide fiercely in the war of fate. This film is based on Daisuke Wei's cartoon of the same name.