Yume jû-ya

Yume jû-ya (2006)

1h 40m | Fantasy | Japan

★ invited "Beijing Film Festival" to show ★ invited "Taipei Cinema" to show the most amazing one night for men and women in the past 100 years: romance (performance / reality Temple Akio, actor / Koizumi Today, Matsuki) writer Bai Lei and women stay together, time is passing. The woman suddenly took off her clothes and said, "if you love me, will you wait for me for a hundred years?" I will definitely come back. "she left the words and died." The writer stayed in front of the woman and waited for many nights and countless sunsets. When the woman didn't come back, she suddenly felt that a hundred years had come. This is a love story that spans a hundred years, hoping for a long time of love and commitment. The man walked into the dimly lit room and suddenly saw a monk sitting here. The man showed that he was a samurai, and the father said, "if you are a samurai, it is impossible not to understand the way." "the monk could not help but pick on him, and the samurai tried desperately to understand something, but failed. The samurai then decided that if he still realized what he had learned at the moment, he would cut down the monk's sword, or else he would kill himself. Step by step, he approached the monk who laughed at him. This is a rule. (unfold all) ★ invited "Beijing Film Festival" to show ★ invited "Taipei Film" to show the most amazing one night of love between men and women in the past 100 years: love (performance / reality Temple Akio, actor / Koizumi Today, Matsuo Today) the writer Bai Lei is together with the woman, and the time is passing. The woman suddenly took off her clothes and said, "if you love me, will you wait for me for a hundred years?" I will definitely come back. "she left the words and died." The writer stayed in front of the woman and waited for many nights and countless sunsets. When the woman didn't come back, she suddenly felt that a hundred years had come. This is a love story that spans a hundred years, hoping for a long time of love and commitment. The man walked into the dimly lit room and suddenly saw a monk sitting here. The man showed that he was a samurai, and the father said, "if you are a samurai, it is impossible not to understand the way." "the monk could not help but pick on him, and the samurai tried desperately to understand something, but failed. The samurai then decided that if he still realized what he had learned at the moment, he would cut down the monk's sword, or else he would kill himself. Step by step, he approached the monk who laughed at him. This is a lesson about samurai and enlightenment, and it is very meaningful. Three nights: the children (actor / Shimizu Chong, actor / Yuyu Horibe, Guiliang Horibe) in the hot summer, the children were so noisy that Natsume Shushi couldn't do it. He remembered that when he was a child, he had seen the mantra of the Tibetan Bodhisattva fall to the ground, and then he received the mantra related to the Tibetan Bodhisattva. Recently, such people have begun to invade him again. At this time, he unexpectedly found that he was carrying his child behind his back, and the child was blind and clearly directed him to move on. This is a wonderful question that has something to do with cause and effect. Four nights: Natsume Shu-shih, who came to perform in his childhood (performance / Hiroshi Shimizu, actor / Yamamoto Takashi), should have died in the "Citizen meeting" and made a mistake to get a "face and shadow". The children in this street were singing songs when suddenly an old man shouted, "look!" Here comes the snake. The curious Natsume Shushi tailed the child behind and found that the street seemed familiar to him, which made him fall back into his childhood in an instant. This is a situation in the past, full of sorrows of youth. Five nights: fear (actor / actor / Ishikawa Shinji, Daisaishi) is suddenly woken up by a phone call, and then a mysterious voice says to her, "when you cry at dawn, something will happen." ". Thinking about the real sand of her husband Chuang Taro's body, he sat in the guest room and saw the imp appear on the ground. She was afraid of scoring, so she got into a fight with the imp. After that, the real sand rattled away, and she had to find her husband Chuang Taro before dawn. This is a story of mysterious communication between the past and the present, circumstances and reality, and excavates the deepest fears of the human heart. Six Nights: Yoshiki Matsuo, actor / Takashi Abe, TOZAWA, Yoshihiro Ishihara) said that he would like to carve a statue of King Ren. Everyone gathered here to wait for the festival. All of a sudden, he just started to dance, and did not dance his razor and mallet to the sky. The statue of the king of benevolence has been carved successfully, and the image of the king of benevolence seems to have been buried in the wood for a long time. It is worth mentioning that it is the famous Japanese dancer TOZAWA, whose strange and dazzling dance steps make this film refreshing and refreshing. Seven Night: lonely (Yoshihiro Kawahara, Hiroshi Amano, actor / Shixiang) A traveler sits on a huge ship and doesn't know where to go. The strong loneliness makes him sad to death. At this moment, he saw a young girl crying at the other end of the ship. The figure of the girl suddenly disappeared! The travelers could not be seen everywhere, so they had to walk into the boat. In the bar, I saw the girl playing the violin while the man next to her was singing songs. With mixed feelings, the traveler stepped on the deck again and jumped into the sea as soon as he got tired. This is a movie directed by Hiroshi Ohano and Makoto Kawahara, the "GAME King" of Japan's ACG industry, and the beautiful 3D-CG action scene, which makes people feel lonely in their fantasy. Yoshihiro Yamashita, actor / Fujita Hiroshi) A group of children were playing in the rice field. One of them, Meijin, caught a strange-looking tube creature about 10 meters long, so he took him home and gave him a name "Liqi". No, no, no. At this time, in the face of a pile of manuscripts, Natsume Shu-shih, who was exhausted, unexpectedly saw the child outside the window mistakenly called him another writer. Positive feeling helpless, suddenly like the sky to come, feel the spring of thought … no, no, no. This film, adapted by Japanese cartoonist Ichiro Nagao, has a sense of humor and fun. Nine Night: love (Yoshikawa / Miwa Nishikawa, actors / Takeshi Nishikawa, Pierre) the father went to the arena, leaving the young child and the mother dependent on each other. One night, the mother and son went to worship and prayed for her husband to come safely. The mother set the child aside to wait, walked barefoot back and forth hundreds of paces, and closed her palms to pray for ten times. The child felt very speechless and opened the door of the main hall to see his father's figure on the market. No, no, no. The child hurriedly turned around and wanted to call the mother, so he grabbed the rope and hit it with all his strength. Bang! Thank you! This piece expresses the yearning of the mother and son for the father who left home. Takeshi Yamaguchi: Yamaguchi (actor / Kenichi Matsuyama, Mamoto Naimi, Hiroji Ishiba) considers himself to be the tallest-growing Shotaro, a man who only loves beauties and is senseless. One day, he suddenly fled home after being lost for many days. It turned out that just a few days ago, he was lecherous and came to a steak restaurant with a beautiful woman. The dish was so delicious that he ate it up one bowl after another. Just at this moment, the beautiful woman showed her true shape. This film explores the food and sex in human nature in a humorous and humorous way. Kenichi Matsuyama, who became famous with the death Chronicle, showed a wonderful performance, and the whole film was unbelievable. Yoshiki's song: (performance / Shimizu, actor / Akita) A hundred years have passed, will there be another wonderful one? During the Meiji period 100 years ago, Natsume Shushi, a 41-year-old Japanese writer, wrote the beautiful and beautiful stories. This is the most unique work of Natsume Shushi, which has not been discussed since the beginning of the world, and its content is so strange that it is even more popular. Natsume Shushi said at that time: "with great ambition, I want people to solve this problem 100 years from now." "Today, 100 years later, Japan has invited 11 modern film stars to perform. With his unique style and different angles, he has completed this wonderful work of the world, in order to explore the situation of this great writer. Participated in the filming performance, including [Super Manpower Overlord] Grand Leader Akio Temple, [Xixue] Daqian Shikawa Yamagawa, [curse resentment] Shimizu, [Ji Zhimen] Ghost Takagi Matsuki, and Tatsuhiro Yamashita who has been to Taiwan, etc. The only action in the ten films is directed by Hiroshi Amano, a well-known ACG actor in Japan, making these ten stories more inclusive: not only the events of youth, the exchanges between the past and the present, and the communication between love and reality, but also the out-of-time fantasy transmitted by 3D motion games. And Kashiro Kashiro is even stronger: Koizumi Koizumi, Kenichi Matsuyama, Hiroshi Takeda, Yuyu Koizumi, and [now, I'd like to see you], Shikawa Shinagawa, [Japanese Fujimoto], [Yamamoto] Takashi Yamamoto, [dog Shinjia] Hiroshi Ishisaka, and [Sleeping Forest] Makami Naimi, all of which are popular in Japan today. Natsume Shushi is still admired and admired by the Japanese, and he was the figure on the Japanese calendar before. In 2000, [Asahi Shinzuki] voted for the 50 most popular writers in Japan in a thousand years. Natsume Shushi, known as the "national writer," won the title, surpassing Mori Mori, Miyuke Yukuo, Akutagawa Sosuke, Kawabata Yasunari, and Haruki Murakami. He became the chief writer of the millennium in Japan and other well-known writers. Today, 11 Japanese geniuses will be performing for you to unlock the memorial made by Natsume Shushi 100 years ago.

★ invited "Beijing Film Festival" to show ★ invited "Taipei Cinema" to show the most amazing one night for men and women in the past 100 years: romance (performance / reality Temple Akio, actor / Koizumi Today, Matsuki) writer Bai Lei and women stay together, time is passing. The woman suddenly took off her clothes and said, "if you love me, will you wait for me for a hundred years?" I will definitely come back. "she left the words and died." The writer stayed in front of the woman and waited for many nights and countless sunsets. When the woman didn't come back, she suddenly felt that a hundred years had come. This is a love story that spans a hundred years, hoping for a long time of love and commitment. The man walked into the dimly lit room and suddenly saw a monk sitting here. The man showed that he was a samurai, and the father said, "if you are a samurai, it is impossible not to understand the way." "the monk could not help but pick on him, and the samurai tried desperately to understand something, but failed. The samurai then decided that if he still realized what he had learned at the moment, he would cut down the monk's sword, or else he would kill himself. Step by step, he approached the monk who laughed at him. This is a rule. (unfold all) ★ invited "Beijing Film Festival" to show ★ invited "Taipei Film" to show the most amazing one night of love between men and women in the past 100 years: love (performance / reality Temple Akio, actor / Koizumi Today, Matsuo Today) the writer Bai Lei is together with the woman, and the time is passing. The woman suddenly took off her clothes and said, "if you love me, will you wait for me for a hundred years?" I will definitely come back. "she left the words and died." The writer stayed in front of the woman and waited for many nights and countless sunsets. When the woman didn't come back, she suddenly felt that a hundred years had come. This is a love story that spans a hundred years, hoping for a long time of love and commitment. The man walked into the dimly lit room and suddenly saw a monk sitting here. The man showed that he was a samurai, and the father said, "if you are a samurai, it is impossible not to understand the way." "the monk could not help but pick on him, and the samurai tried desperately to understand something, but failed. The samurai then decided that if he still realized what he had learned at the moment, he would cut down the monk's sword, or else he would kill himself. Step by step, he approached the monk who laughed at him. This is a lesson about samurai and enlightenment, and it is very meaningful. Three nights: the children (actor / Shimizu Chong, actor / Yuyu Horibe, Guiliang Horibe) in the hot summer, the children were so noisy that Natsume Shushi couldn't do it. He remembered that when he was a child, he had seen the mantra of the Tibetan Bodhisattva fall to the ground, and then he received the mantra related to the Tibetan Bodhisattva. Recently, such people have begun to invade him again. At this time, he unexpectedly found that he was carrying his child behind his back, and the child was blind and clearly directed him to move on. This is a wonderful question that has something to do with cause and effect. Four nights: Natsume Shu-shih, who came to perform in his childhood (performance / Hiroshi Shimizu, actor / Yamamoto Takashi), should have died in the "Citizen meeting" and made a mistake to get a "face and shadow". The children in this street were singing songs when suddenly an old man shouted, "look!" Here comes the snake. The curious Natsume Shushi tailed the child behind and found that the street seemed familiar to him, which made him fall back into his childhood in an instant. This is a situation in the past, full of sorrows of youth. Five nights: fear (actor / actor / Ishikawa Shinji, Daisaishi) is suddenly woken up by a phone call, and then a mysterious voice says to her, "when you cry at dawn, something will happen." ". Thinking about the real sand of her husband Chuang Taro's body, he sat in the guest room and saw the imp appear on the ground. She was afraid of scoring, so she got into a fight with the imp. After that, the real sand rattled away, and she had to find her husband Chuang Taro before dawn. This is a story of mysterious communication between the past and the present, circumstances and reality, and excavates the deepest fears of the human heart. Six Nights: Yoshiki Matsuo, actor / Takashi Abe, TOZAWA, Yoshihiro Ishihara) said that he would like to carve a statue of King Ren. Everyone gathered here to wait for the festival. All of a sudden, he just started to dance, and did not dance his razor and mallet to the sky. The statue of the king of benevolence has been carved successfully, and the image of the king of benevolence seems to have been buried in the wood for a long time. It is worth mentioning that it is the famous Japanese dancer TOZAWA, whose strange and dazzling dance steps make this film refreshing and refreshing. Seven Night: lonely (Yoshihiro Kawahara, Hiroshi Amano, actor / Shixiang) A traveler sits on a huge ship and doesn't know where to go. The strong loneliness makes him sad to death. At this moment, he saw a young girl crying at the other end of the ship. The figure of the girl suddenly disappeared! The travelers could not be seen everywhere, so they had to walk into the boat. In the bar, I saw the girl playing the violin while the man next to her was singing songs. With mixed feelings, the traveler stepped on the deck again and jumped into the sea as soon as he got tired. This is a movie directed by Hiroshi Ohano and Makoto Kawahara, the "GAME King" of Japan's ACG industry, and the beautiful 3D-CG action scene, which makes people feel lonely in their fantasy. Yoshihiro Yamashita, actor / Fujita Hiroshi) A group of children were playing in the rice field. One of them, Meijin, caught a strange-looking tube creature about 10 meters long, so he took him home and gave him a name "Liqi". No, no, no. At this time, in the face of a pile of manuscripts, Natsume Shu-shih, who was exhausted, unexpectedly saw the child outside the window mistakenly called him another writer. Positive feeling helpless, suddenly like the sky to come, feel the spring of thought … no, no, no. This film, adapted by Japanese cartoonist Ichiro Nagao, has a sense of humor and fun. Nine Night: love (Yoshikawa / Miwa Nishikawa, actors / Takeshi Nishikawa, Pierre) the father went to the arena, leaving the young child and the mother dependent on each other. One night, the mother and son went to worship and prayed for her husband to come safely. The mother set the child aside to wait, walked barefoot back and forth hundreds of paces, and closed her palms to pray for ten times. The child felt very speechless and opened the door of the main hall to see his father's figure on the market. No, no, no. The child hurriedly turned around and wanted to call the mother, so he grabbed the rope and hit it with all his strength. Bang! Thank you! This piece expresses the yearning of the mother and son for the father who left home. Takeshi Yamaguchi: Yamaguchi (actor / Kenichi Matsuyama, Mamoto Naimi, Hiroji Ishiba) considers himself to be the tallest-growing Shotaro, a man who only loves beauties and is senseless. One day, he suddenly fled home after being lost for many days. It turned out that just a few days ago, he was lecherous and came to a steak restaurant with a beautiful woman. The dish was so delicious that he ate it up one bowl after another. Just at this moment, the beautiful woman showed her true shape. This film explores the food and sex in human nature in a humorous and humorous way. Kenichi Matsuyama, who became famous with the death Chronicle, showed a wonderful performance, and the whole film was unbelievable. Yoshiki's song: (performance / Shimizu, actor / Akita) A hundred years have passed, will there be another wonderful one? During the Meiji period 100 years ago, Natsume Shushi, a 41-year-old Japanese writer, wrote the beautiful and beautiful stories. This is the most unique work of Natsume Shushi, which has not been discussed since the beginning of the world, and its content is so strange that it is even more popular. Natsume Shushi said at that time: "with great ambition, I want people to solve this problem 100 years from now." "Today, 100 years later, Japan has invited 11 modern film stars to perform. With his unique style and different angles, he has completed this wonderful work of the world, in order to explore the situation of this great writer. Participated in the filming performance, including [Super Manpower Overlord] Grand Leader Akio Temple, [Xixue] Daqian Shikawa Yamagawa, [curse resentment] Shimizu, [Ji Zhimen] Ghost Takagi Matsuki, and Tatsuhiro Yamashita who has been to Taiwan, etc. The only action in the ten films is directed by Hiroshi Amano, a well-known ACG actor in Japan, making these ten stories more inclusive: not only the events of youth, the exchanges between the past and the present, and the communication between love and reality, but also the out-of-time fantasy transmitted by 3D motion games. And Kashiro Kashiro is even stronger: Koizumi Koizumi, Kenichi Matsuyama, Hiroshi Takeda, Yuyu Koizumi, and [now, I'd like to see you], Shikawa Shinagawa, [Japanese Fujimoto], [Yamamoto] Takashi Yamamoto, [dog Shinjia] Hiroshi Ishisaka, and [Sleeping Forest] Makami Naimi, all of which are popular in Japan today. Natsume Shushi is still admired and admired by the Japanese, and he was the figure on the Japanese calendar before. In 2000, [Asahi Shinzuki] voted for the 50 most popular writers in Japan in a thousand years. Natsume Shushi, known as the "national writer," won the title, surpassing Mori Mori, Miyuke Yukuo, Akutagawa Sosuke, Kawabata Yasunari, and Haruki Murakami. He became the chief writer of the millennium in Japan and other well-known writers. Today, 11 Japanese geniuses will be performing for you to unlock the memorial made by Natsume Shushi 100 years ago.

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