Yuube no karê, ashita no pan

Yuube no karê, ashita no pan (2014)

49m | Plot | Japan

The beautiful woman Chizi (Zhong Li Yisha) once had an unforgettable emotional experience. many years ago, she married a tree in Siyama (Starfield), a childhood sweetheart, but only a few years after marriage, a tree died of a serious illness. After that, Chezi did not return to her mother's home, but lived with her father-in-law Lian Taro (Luhe Zhangshi), such as seven years. Chizi, who works in a company, is dating a man named Zhengchun Iwai (Chunping Gouduan). When the other person makes a proposal to her, she hopes to live with her father-in-law anyway. When the tree was seriously ill, Chizi and Lian Taro had tasted delicious bread by the side of the road, which seemed to deepen the bond between them like father and daughter, and their long-term relationship made them like good friends who said everything. Unwittingly, Chizi and Lien Taro have become an important existence in each other's hearts.

The beautiful woman Chizi (Zhong Li Yisha) once had an unforgettable emotional experience. many years ago, she married a tree in Siyama (Starfield), a childhood sweetheart, but only a few years after marriage, a tree died of a serious illness. After that, Chezi did not return to her mother's home, but lived with her father-in-law Lian Taro (Luhe Zhangshi), such as seven years. Chizi, who works in a company, is dating a man named Zhengchun Iwai (Chunping Gouduan). When the other person makes a proposal to her, she hopes to live with her father-in-law anyway. When the tree was seriously ill, Chizi and Lian Taro had tasted delicious bread by the side of the road, which seemed to deepen the bond between them like father and daughter, and their long-term relationship made them like good friends who said everything. Unwittingly, Chizi and Lien Taro have become an important existence in each other's hearts.

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