Zhen tou

Zhen tou (2012)

2h 4m | Comedy | Taiwan China

"Chaotou" is a unique local sacrificial culture in Taiwan. Ron Artest (Ke Youlun) is a warm-blooded young man with a musical dream, who wants to go abroad to study music, but when he returns to his hometown in Taichung, he is scolded by his father (A Xi). It turned out that Ron Artest came from a leading family. As the only son of his father, he not only did not want his son to inherit his father's career, but also despised it. The relationship between father and son is getting worse. Ron Artest just wants to run away, but he is unexpectedly humiliated by another team of his fellow countrymen. Under Ron Artest's anger, he takes over the position of his own head, boasting that Haikou will train his own regiment in a new atmosphere in a short period of time. Win in the coming game. Ron Artest, who did not even understand the basic skills, began to devote himself to it. He gradually became acquainted with a group of group friends of the same age and became a family member. He led everyone on a trip around the island, adding fashion elements to traditional performances, and was inadvertently noticed by the TV station. They suddenly became popular, but they still had real skills in the upcoming competition.

"Chaotou" is a unique local sacrificial culture in Taiwan. Ron Artest (Ke Youlun) is a warm-blooded young man with a musical dream, who wants to go abroad to study music, but when he returns to his hometown in Taichung, he is scolded by his father (A Xi). It turned out that Ron Artest came from a leading family. As the only son of his father, he not only did not want his son to inherit his father's career, but also despised it. The relationship between father and son is getting worse. Ron Artest just wants to run away, but he is unexpectedly humiliated by another team of his fellow countrymen. Under Ron Artest's anger, he takes over the position of his own head, boasting that Haikou will train his own regiment in a new atmosphere in a short period of time. Win in the coming game. Ron Artest, who did not even understand the basic skills, began to devote himself to it. He gradually became acquainted with a group of group friends of the same age and became a family member. He led everyone on a trip around the island, adding fashion elements to traditional performances, and was inadvertently noticed by the TV station. They suddenly became popular, but they still had real skills in the upcoming competition.

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