Adventure Time

Adventure Time (2010)
Season 10 Closed


The story takes place in a magical land where 12-year-old Finn, the last human being, and his best friend, Jake, an old dog, embark on an adventure. Each episode of this animation has its own story, featuring bubblegum princess, ice bully, vampire queen Marcellin, bubble princess and so on. In each episode, Finn and Jake, a pair of living treasures, set foot on the strange fantasy world and meet all kinds of characters, with both danger and joy along the way. "Adventure" was originally an experimental animated short film, which caused a warm response after it was broadcast on the Internet, and then it was selected by the American cartoon channel and developed into a full-length series of animation.

The story takes place in a magical land where 12-year-old Finn, the last human being, and his best friend, Jake, an old dog, embark on an adventure. Each episode of this animation has its own story, featuring bubblegum princess, ice bully, vampire queen Marcellin, bubble princess and so on. In each episode, Finn and Jake, a pair of living treasures, set foot on the strange fantasy world and meet all kinds of characters, with both danger and joy along the way. "Adventure" was originally an experimental animated short film, which caused a warm response after it was broadcast on the Internet, and then it was selected by the American cartoon channel and developed into a full-length series of animation.

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