Formula 1: Drive to Survive

Formula 1: Drive to Survive (2019 - 2024)
Season 6 Closed

40m | Documentary, Sport | UK

In every highly competitive season, both inside and outside the track, Formula one drivers, team leaders and team bosses live a fast-paced life like racing cars. The show not only shows the fast-changing track racing, but also records possible car accidents and accidents-"the race is like a heart attack"-but will also follow the drivers to learn about their hard training before and after the race. tell stories about them and their families and teams.

In every highly competitive season, both inside and outside the track, Formula one drivers, team leaders and team bosses live a fast-paced life like racing cars. The show not only shows the fast-changing track racing, but also records possible car accidents and accidents-"the race is like a heart attack"-but will also follow the drivers to learn about their hard training before and after the race. tell stories about them and their families and teams.