Four More Shots Please!

Four More Shots Please! (2019 - 2020)
Season 2 Closed


The series is about the lives of four women with indisputable flaws, each with a rich and thin life, yet empowering each other. Damien, a very successful journalist and startup founder, won four consecutive "intrepid journalist" awards despite obstacles set by her board, but her personal life never stabilized. Finally, she lost the Jay she really loved because of some misunderstandings. Anjana M.G.K. Menon, a successful lawyer, has been trying to get rid of the budding love affair of her estranged husband and ended up in prison for drinking and driving while taking her sick daughter to the hospital. Wumang is a teacher in Punjab from Ludiana, a bisexual who often tries to recover from the breakup her girlfriend gave her. Last but not least, Sidhi Patel, 23, is a very lively virgin who tries to find out the true meaning of love with the constant intervention of her overly fastidious mother, Sneha.

The series is about the lives of four women with indisputable flaws, each with a rich and thin life, yet empowering each other. Damien, a very successful journalist and startup founder, won four consecutive "intrepid journalist" awards despite obstacles set by her board, but her personal life never stabilized. Finally, she lost the Jay she really loved because of some misunderstandings. Anjana M.G.K. Menon, a successful lawyer, has been trying to get rid of the budding love affair of her estranged husband and ended up in prison for drinking and driving while taking her sick daughter to the hospital. Wumang is a teacher in Punjab from Ludiana, a bisexual who often tries to recover from the breakup her girlfriend gave her. Last but not least, Sidhi Patel, 23, is a very lively virgin who tries to find out the true meaning of love with the constant intervention of her overly fastidious mother, Sneha.

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