Hollywood Con Queen

Hollywood Con Queen (2024)
Season 1 03

45m | Documentary, Crime | USA

The case of "Hollywood Fraud Queen", one of Hollywood's most famous frauds, has been announced to be a documentary series by Apple. This incident has triggered FBI and police investigations, and a number of media, podcasts, film and television authors of the long-term pursuit-in 2018, the media exposed that someone falsified voices to cheat money, the scope of the crime covers the world, including means to imitate the voices of a number of senior women in American film and television media circles. Such as Wendi Deng, Amy Pascal of former Sony, Catherine Kennedy of Lucas, Stacey Snyder of Foss in the 20th century, and Zach Schneider's wife and production partner Deborah Schneider, use recordings to defraud some Hollywood filmmakers, such as makeup artists and photographers, to fabricate some film projects in Indonesia and invite them to work, and then propose that they must first pay for the travel expenses. To swindle the money. After investigation, it is believed that the perpetrator may not be a woman, but a man, and then the identity of the perpetrator was identified as Hargobind Punjabi Tahilramani, an Indonesian man with connections in the UK, who committed such acts for a long time. In December 2020, the United States FBI and the Department of Justice announced.

The case of "Hollywood Fraud Queen", one of Hollywood's most famous frauds, has been announced to be a documentary series by Apple. This incident has triggered FBI and police investigations, and a number of media, podcasts, film and television authors of the long-term pursuit-in 2018, the media exposed that someone falsified voices to cheat money, the scope of the crime covers the world, including means to imitate the voices of a number of senior women in American film and television media circles. Such as Wendi Deng, Amy Pascal of former Sony, Catherine Kennedy of Lucas, Stacey Snyder of Foss in the 20th century, and Zach Schneider's wife and production partner Deborah Schneider, use recordings to defraud some Hollywood filmmakers, such as makeup artists and photographers, to fabricate some film projects in Indonesia and invite them to work, and then propose that they must first pay for the travel expenses. To swindle the money. After investigation, it is believed that the perpetrator may not be a woman, but a man, and then the identity of the perpetrator was identified as Hargobind Punjabi Tahilramani, an Indonesian man with connections in the UK, who committed such acts for a long time. In December 2020, the United States FBI and the Department of Justice announced.