Bad Tales

Bad Tales (2020)

1h 38m | Plot | Italy

On a hot summer day, in a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of Rome, many families had nowhere to go but to live here. There is a sense of mysterious insecurity that something may break out at any time. Parents have been depressed because they don't come from better suburbs, and their hopes for a middle-class life are more than they can afford, but in the end their children are the real protagonists of the storm. the storm pushed the whole community to collapse.

On a hot summer day, in a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of Rome, many families had nowhere to go but to live here. There is a sense of mysterious insecurity that something may break out at any time. Parents have been depressed because they don't come from better suburbs, and their hopes for a middle-class life are more than they can afford, but in the end their children are the real protagonists of the storm. the storm pushed the whole community to collapse.

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