Da Jiang Hu Yao Guai Wu Yu

Da Jiang Hu Yao Guai Wu Yu (2020)


Timid and gentle, born in a samurai family, Shinhai Yoichi Okada (Kenshi Okada), who is not good at swordsmanship and can not get a knife, usually makes a living by teaching ordinary people in private schools. He, who was saved by monsters when he was a child, firmly believes in the existence of monsters, so he also insists on doing the research on monsters. One day, in an abandoned house, he saw the chick who used to help him discipline other schoolchildren talking to a magical earthenware. When a horse took the jade given to him by the chick, the earthenware suddenly changed and ran out of a monster called Heavenly Ghost (Honxiangduo). All this is because the little chick wants to see his dead mother and apologize to her. Under the request of the chick, Yima acted together with other monsters such as the evil spirits of heaven to help her get what she wanted.

Timid and gentle, born in a samurai family, Shinhai Yoichi Okada (Kenshi Okada), who is not good at swordsmanship and can not get a knife, usually makes a living by teaching ordinary people in private schools. He, who was saved by monsters when he was a child, firmly believes in the existence of monsters, so he also insists on doing the research on monsters. One day, in an abandoned house, he saw the chick who used to help him discipline other schoolchildren talking to a magical earthenware. When a horse took the jade given to him by the chick, the earthenware suddenly changed and ran out of a monster called Heavenly Ghost (Honxiangduo). All this is because the little chick wants to see his dead mother and apologize to her. Under the request of the chick, Yima acted together with other monsters such as the evil spirits of heaven to help her get what she wanted.