
Gakko (1993)

| Plot | Japan

This film features best film, best film, best actor (Toshihiko Nishida), best supporting actor (Kunio Tanaka), best newcomer (Yoshihara Sakuhara, Yumi Nai) and six best actors! "School" is the idea that Yamada Yoji pondered for 15 years. The background of the film is a night middle school, and the teacher is Mr. Kuroi, who is already middle-aged. He might have had a chance to teach at another regular school, but he refused. Another period of study is almost over, and before graduation is coming, Kuroi asked every student to write down some memorable things based on the days of the past year. Classmates of different ages, different countries and backgrounds all find that the moon is in a hurry, but the joys and sorrows, especially the relationship between Blackwell, teach them to forget forever. This film is another peak in Yamada's career: he has made four episodes in seven years, which is the second successful series after Yamada's "Men's suffering". Directed by the creator of the Tora-san series, Yamada Y...

This film features best film, best film, best actor (Toshihiko Nishida), best supporting actor (Kunio Tanaka), best newcomer (Yoshihara Sakuhara, Yumi Nai) and six best actors! "School" is the idea that Yamada Yoji pondered for 15 years. The background of the film is a night middle school, and the teacher is Mr. Kuroi, who is already middle-aged. He might have had a chance to teach at another regular school, but he refused. Another period of study is almost over, and before graduation is coming, Kuroi asked every student to write down some memorable things based on the days of the past year. Classmates of different ages, different countries and backgrounds all find that the moon is in a hurry, but the joys and sorrows, especially the relationship between Blackwell, teach them to forget forever. This film is another peak in Yamada's career: he has made four episodes in seven years, which is the second successful series after Yamada's "Men's suffering". Directed by the creator of the Tora-san series, Yamada Y...

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