
Michael B. Jordan joined the animated series gen:LOCK to voice the protagonist Julian Chase. In the play, the last free society on earth is on the verge of collapse because of the global war, and the government has recruited a diverse team of young pilots to control a new generation of mechanical giants-weaponized robots. Fighter pilot Chase abandoned his life to become the first person to join, and then found himself facing a severe test. Jordan's production company Outlier Productions is involved in the production and will be broadcast on Rooster Teeth.

Michael B. Jordan joined the animated series gen:LOCK to voice the protagonist Julian Chase. In the play, the last free society on earth is on the verge of collapse because of the global war, and the government has recruited a diverse team of young pilots to control a new generation of mechanical giants-weaponized robots. Fighter pilot Chase abandoned his life to become the first person to join, and then found himself facing a severe test. Jordan's production company Outlier Productions is involved in the production and will be broadcast on Rooster Teeth.