Guai Tan Bai Wu Yu

Guai Tan Bai Wu Yu (2002)


In Japan during the Edo period, a popular "tale of all things" game: a group of people lit a hundred oil lamps, and then each person took turns telling ghost stories, blowing out a lamp after each story. It is said that when the last lamp is turned off, it will attract real ghosts. In the form of a strange story in each episode, "Strange stories" tells eleven household names of mysterious and strange stories. Onmyoji, who can witness the monsters and resentful spirits with his own eyes, is the connecter of each episode. He is a descendant of Onmyoji, but his life is miserable. His movements are erratic, and everywhere he goes is always accompanied by all kinds of psychic events, and he always tries his best to solve the riddle and get rid of evil spirits. One night, he had a terrible nightmare, and the next day he found that it came true. With the development of the incident, plots gradually surfaced. He slowly discovered that the so-called psychic phenomenon was actually caused by people themselves.

In Japan during the Edo period, a popular "tale of all things" game: a group of people lit a hundred oil lamps, and then each person took turns telling ghost stories, blowing out a lamp after each story. It is said that when the last lamp is turned off, it will attract real ghosts. In the form of a strange story in each episode, "Strange stories" tells eleven household names of mysterious and strange stories. Onmyoji, who can witness the monsters and resentful spirits with his own eyes, is the connecter of each episode. He is a descendant of Onmyoji, but his life is miserable. His movements are erratic, and everywhere he goes is always accompanied by all kinds of psychic events, and he always tries his best to solve the riddle and get rid of evil spirits. One night, he had a terrible nightmare, and the next day he found that it came true. With the development of the incident, plots gradually surfaced. He slowly discovered that the so-called psychic phenomenon was actually caused by people themselves.

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