Guitar Rondo

Guitar Rondo (1986)

| Plot | China

Chinese famous guitar rondo foreign name GUITAR RONDO Production area Release time in the mainland of China 1986 Director: Zhang Ning Editor: Wang Lian Editor: Xu Zhongquan Zhao Yanhua Zhu Kexin Li Lianyi Sun Shaoli Xu Zhongquan... Meng Wei Jia Township Head Zhao Yanhua... Qiu Yan and Zhu Kexin... Qiu Ying, Li Lianyi... Sun Shaoli, director of medical care... Yao Hong Huang Huanfeng... Camera Zhang Xueshan... Field keeper Xiong Wei... Xiao Xu Miao Liping... Xiao Cui Zhang Ning... Director Dai Anzhen... Deputy Director Zhang Zongti... Secretary Chen Tang Zhongting... In the studio of Yang Dong TV Station, five girls in colorful clothes were dancing. Young guitarist Wu Wenpei and his partners Xiao Xu and Xiao Cui played guitar and sang affectionately. The popular song TV Grand Prix competition is being held here. At this time, Jia Township Chief of Cuizhu Township hurried to the TV station with the township security director, claiming to arrest Wu Wenpei, a fugitive "economic criminal"...

Chinese famous guitar rondo foreign name GUITAR RONDO Production area Release time in the mainland of China 1986 Director: Zhang Ning Editor: Wang Lian Editor: Xu Zhongquan Zhao Yanhua Zhu Kexin Li Lianyi Sun Shaoli Xu Zhongquan... Meng Wei Jia Township Head Zhao Yanhua... Qiu Yan and Zhu Kexin... Qiu Ying, Li Lianyi... Sun Shaoli, director of medical care... Yao Hong Huang Huanfeng... Camera Zhang Xueshan... Field keeper Xiong Wei... Xiao Xu Miao Liping... Xiao Cui Zhang Ning... Director Dai Anzhen... Deputy Director Zhang Zongti... Secretary Chen Tang Zhongting... In the studio of Yang Dong TV Station, five girls in colorful clothes were dancing. Young guitarist Wu Wenpei and his partners Xiao Xu and Xiao Cui played guitar and sang affectionately. The popular song TV Grand Prix competition is being held here. At this time, Jia Township Chief of Cuizhu Township hurried to the TV station with the township security director, claiming to arrest Wu Wenpei, a fugitive "economic criminal"...

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