Hanasaku iroha

Hanasaku iroha (2011)

24m | Plot, Animation | Japan

16-year-old Matsuzuki Matsumae (voiced by Takeshi Ito) is an ordinary high school girl who lives freely in Tokyo. Like this prosperous but dull metropolis, her life is insipid. At the age of fantasy, Xuhua is always looking forward to the occurrence of such things as "sudden night running, sudden love, sudden parting". One day, the moment she had been waiting for for a long time finally came. Due to accidental opportunity, Xuhua came to Xicui Village, a hot spring hotel run by her grandmother (voiced by Kubota Minchu). In this remote place in Ishikawa County, time seems to have come to a standstill, still retaining the strong ancient meaning of the Taisho era. Xuhua stayed in Xicuizhuang as an employee, worked hard all day, and met girls of her age and residents of all shapes and shapes. Here, she seems to have found a new direction in life. This film is an original work to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the founding of P.A.Works.

16-year-old Matsuzuki Matsumae (voiced by Takeshi Ito) is an ordinary high school girl who lives freely in Tokyo. Like this prosperous but dull metropolis, her life is insipid. At the age of fantasy, Xuhua is always looking forward to the occurrence of such things as "sudden night running, sudden love, sudden parting". One day, the moment she had been waiting for for a long time finally came. Due to accidental opportunity, Xuhua came to Xicui Village, a hot spring hotel run by her grandmother (voiced by Kubota Minchu). In this remote place in Ishikawa County, time seems to have come to a standstill, still retaining the strong ancient meaning of the Taisho era. Xuhua stayed in Xicuizhuang as an employee, worked hard all day, and met girls of her age and residents of all shapes and shapes. Here, she seems to have found a new direction in life. This film is an original work to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the founding of P.A.Works.