J'ai épousé une ombre

J'ai épousé une ombre (1983)

1h 50m | Plot, Romance, Thrilling | France

What Helene had been worried about finally happened: her fiance Frank got her pregnant and finally abandoned her. Frank took her to the suburbs in a car, then pushed her out of the car and walked away. Helene was pale and standing alone by the side of the road, not knowing where he was supposed to go. The next day, Helene climbed drowsily onto a train. She didn't know where she was going. "how many months have you been pregnant, madam?" She sat in the dining car eating dinner in silence, and a woman sitting next to her asked her curiously. "eight months." Helene answered the beautiful young woman with a wry smile. "I've been eight months old, too!" The woman looked so happy that she did not notice that Helene was unhappy, and she began to talk to Helene on and on. She introduced her husband Bertrand to Helene. Her name is Patricia, and she and her husband fell in love at first sight, married after she became pregnant, and now they are going to return to Bertrand's hometown to settle down. Helene could not help feeling sad when he thought of the misfortune of being pregnant but abandoned by Frank, so he got up to leave the dining car on the pretext that he was not feeling well. The enthusiastic Patricia insisted that ai. (all) what Helene had been worried about finally happened: fiance Frank got her pregnant and finally abandoned her. Frank took her to the suburbs in a car, then pushed her out of the car and walked away. Helene was pale and standing alone by the side of the road, not knowing where he was supposed to go. The next day, Helene climbed drowsily onto a train. She didn't know where she was going. "how many months have you been pregnant, madam?" She sat in the dining car eating dinner in silence, and a woman sitting next to her asked her curiously. "eight months." Helene answered the beautiful young woman with a wry smile. "I've been eight months old, too!" The woman looked so happy that she did not notice that Helene was unhappy, and she began to talk to Helene on and on. She introduced her husband Bertrand to Helene. Her name is Patricia, and she and her husband fell in love at first sight, married after she became pregnant, and now they are going to return to Bertrand's hometown to settle down. Helene could not help feeling sad when he thought of the misfortune of being pregnant but abandoned by Frank, so he got up to leave the dining car on the pretext that he was not feeling well. The enthusiastic Patricia insisted that Helene take a rest in her car first. Just then, there was an accidental derailment on the train. Most of the passengers were killed in the disaster, but Helene survived. She was rescued to the hospital and gave birth to a little boy on the same day. Frightened and tired, Helene fell asleep for a long time, dimly feeling that someone was whispering around him. "Patricia. My name is Myron. I'm Bertrand's father. " The old man introduced himself when he saw Helene wake up with puzzled eyes. Then he pointed to the young man beside him and said, "his name is Pierre. He is my second son, Bertrand's brother." Patricia and her husband Bertrand were both killed because Helene was rescued from Patricia's carriage, so people took her as the surviving Patricia and informed Bertrand's father. Mr. McLang and his wife were naturally very sad when they heard that their son had died, comforting themselves that their daughter-in-law was still alive and had given birth to a grandson for them. As soon as he went out, Eleno laboriously propped himself up and ran to the closet to pick up his things. When she saw that the things in the closet belonged to Patricia, she suddenly realized why people had made a mistake. Helene felt that under no circumstances could he play the role of Mrs. Bertrand, sitting blankly in the hospital bed and meditating. But what should we do if we don't make a mistake? He has been abandoned by the rascal Frank and has become a homeless lone goose. How can he feed the poor child? She felt that up to now, she had no choice but to acquiesce to her present identity. A few days later, Helene was cured and discharged from the hospital. When she came to McLang Manor by car, she saw that the small building of the manor was brightly lit, and the old McLang and his wife Raina had been waiting in front of the building. Helene stepped out of the car with the child in his arms, with a look of panic and sadness in his eyes. At dinner, Reina kept asking about her son Bertrand and how Bertrand and Patricia met. Helene tried to recall what Patricia had told her on the train and answered with hesitation. Fortunately, the old couple did not know that their son was far away, and Mr. McLang was dissatisfied with his wife's interrogative conversation and stopped it in time. Helene cried anxiously. she left the restaurant and went back to her room upstairs on the pretext that she was not feeling well. After a while, the old lady, criticized by her husband and Pierre, followed upstairs and apologized to Helene. After a few days, Helene was no longer as sad as he was when he first came to the manor. Old McLang and his wife took care of her in every way, and Pierre cared about her all the more. In fact, the young man has developed an inexplicable feeling since he saw Helene in the hospital. There is both sympathy and love. There was a girl in the village named Feifu who had long been interested in Pierre, and she was secretly jealous when she saw that Pierre was now inseparable from Helene. One night, several young people gathered by the bonfire to have a good time. Pierre was angry for the first time in front of Helene for being drunk, and Phoebe took the opportunity to taunt her. When he got home, Helene was tossing and turning on the bed and couldn't sleep. But the next morning the servant came and told her to go downstairs and said that Mr. McLang and his family were waiting for her in the drawing-room. It turned out that Mrs. McLang had hired a lawyer, and she wanted to add the will in front of the whole family, explaining that after the death of Mr. and Mrs. McLang, their inheritance had been divided equally between the two sons to 1/3 of the inheritance to the youngest son Pierre, while the rest belonged to Patricia and her children. Helene was surprised to hear that she felt that she was an impostor to have a place to settle down, how could she enjoy the right to divide the estate! She protested vehemently, but Mr. and Mrs. McLang thought she was embarrassed to fight with Pierre for the inheritance. So they told her that it was Pierre's idea to amend the will. Helene turned a deaf ear to any explanation and ran back to his room without coming out for a while. Pierre came upstairs, stood guiltily in front of Helene and murmured for a long time, "Patricia, please forgive me for what I did last night." I've been drinking too much. I said those stupid things when I was drunk. Can you forgive me. " Pierre fell to his knees with a splash like a child who had made a mistake, asking for forgiveness. Helene asked him why he proposed to amend the will, and Pierre told Helene what he thought, and asked her to accept it for the sake of the wishes of the two old men. Helene thanked Pierre and his family from the bottom of his heart for their kindness, but refused firmly. Pierre took her in his arms, hugged her tightly, and said hastily, "Patricia, I want to tell you something, and if you agree, I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life." Helene knew what he was going to say and closed his eyes shyly. Helene was immersed in the happiness of love. One day, she suddenly received a letter. "here is a letter for you, Patricia." The old lady handed the letter to Helene. Helene was surprised. "my letter?" She asked in disbelief. "Patricia Malone. Isn't this for you? " The old lady read the envelope and said. Helene opened the envelope with trembling hands and drew out the letterhead, looking nervously at the contents of the letter, looking pale and motionless. This one just says, "who are you?" Who sent the three-word letter? Helene is so sensitive that someone is doubting his identity. She thought hard to find the answer, afraid to light a match and burn the letter. But early the next morning, the postman sent the same letter. Helene suspected that Pfeiffer had written the letter, so he angrily approached her and asked, "did you write to me?" "shall I write to you?" Pfeiffer was stunned for an inexplicable moment, and then shouted, "I don't have time to write to you!" I'm not a hypocrite. I'll say it to your face! " So Pfeiffer ironically poured out all the gossip of the villagers, and she said that Pierre was preaching everywhere that Helene had fallen in love with him and haunted him all day. "Mrs. McLang, Pierre loves me, you see!" Helene was humiliated and his heart ached vaguely. She knew that Pierre really loved himself and that Phoebe was jealous of her. However, the anonymous letter remains a mystery. The postman sent her a third letter! This time the content is more straightforward, it says, "where are you from?" Helene became more and more aware that the person who wrote the letter must know who he was. She could not guess what was behind the letter. She was so powerless to resist the fear brought to her by this threat that she really wanted to tell Pierre about it, but she was afraid that she would lose the warmth given to her by the family and Pierre's sincere love. In a dilemma, she suddenly ran to the room like something and opened the suitcase she had brought. She dug up a bunch of letters she had received in the past and began to write against the anonymous letter. When I turned to the letter from the rascal Frank, everything came to light. The anonymous letter was written by Frank! No more hesitation! Helene immediately decided to talk to Pierre about it. As soon as he opened the door, Helene could not help crying-it turned out that Frank had come here and came in through the door. "Hello, dear! I think you must have received my love letter? " Frank said to her brazenly. Helene was at a loss and froze as if possessed. At this time, the old lady came out of the room on crutches, and Frank not only was not nervous, but greeted her with a smile on her face. "how do you do, madam? I'm an old friend of Patricia's. My name is Frank Barry! Will I not disturb you? " "Patricia, is this your friend?" The old lady asked Helene. Helene, already pale with fear, did not know what to do for a moment, and subconsciously nodded and admitted. Old Malone came out, too, and he was very happy to hear that Frank was an old friend of his daughter-in-law. Frank dealt with them for a while, and finally made an excuse to go to work, and as he left, he said to Helene that he would call her tomorrow. Now that the scene had been opened, Helene could not refuse, and she feebly agreed to Frank. Unexpectedly, when Pierre came home, he could not help being jealous when he heard about it. He rushed into Helene's room and asked aloud what Helene had to do with the man. Of course Elena could only lie, but Pierre did not believe it. "Pierre, I beg you to stop asking." Helene implored. After Pierre left angrily, Helene suddenly felt a terrible silence in the room, and she was restless about what to do next. Thinking about it late into the night, she finally made up her mind to leave here. But when she heard the old lady coughing, she hesitated again. Early the next morning, Helene received a call from Frank. In order to find out the rascal's intentions, Helene went to the appointed place. "what do you want from me? Come on, let me go! " Helene, unwilling to struggle with Frank, snapped as soon as he met him. Frank smiled and told her how he saw Helene's picture and the report about the car accident in the newspaper, and later asked the hospital to confirm that Helene had entered the rich family. Now, he not only pretended to love Helene, but also wanted to impress her with his relationship with his son, hoping to get a large sum of money from Helene. After his blackmail was rejected, he came up with another idea in a twinkling of an eye. He immediately drove to McLang Manor to blackmail the old lady. In fact, the old lady thought there was something strange about Frank coming to the door, but she hated him even more when she heard him, so she swung her crutch and hit him, but she fell to the ground and Frank took the opportunity to slip away. Frank didn't stop there, and when Helene was busy getting a doctor for the old lady, he called again. Over the phone came Frank's cunning laughter, which stabbed Helene in the heart like a knife. Suddenly, she decided to see him again: "Frank, please come quickly. I want to discuss something with you." She told Frank to wait behind the castle on the edge of the grove. Helene left home and went to the back of the castle, and Frank soon arrived. He jumped out of the car, proudly stretched out his arms and walked towards Helene. He didn't know that Helene was clasping a dagger at the moment. When Frank came to hug her, she stabbed the dagger into his abdomen with all her strength. Frank looked straight in the eye, and without humming, fell to the ground dead with a plop. Helene fainted with a loud cry. She didn't wake up until Pierre, who had rushed home, came to her. Helene burst into tears and finally told Pierre who she really was and her relationship with Frank. To Helene's surprise, the McLang family did not dislike her. The next day, the old lady invited a notary, and she wanted to admit in public that she had killed Frank. The old lady said to the notary that she would kill Frank because the scoundrel threatened her family, and that if the judiciary were to pursue any responsibility, she hoped that the notary would defend herself. The notary accepted the old lady's complaint and entrustment. The storm passed and the Manor of Meran was filled with an atmosphere of happiness and serenity again. Helene, who had been abandoned for love, is now loved by the whole family of McLang. She is no longer sad, because they love each other, the life ahead is so beautiful.

What Helene had been worried about finally happened: her fiance Frank got her pregnant and finally abandoned her. Frank took her to the suburbs in a car, then pushed her out of the car and walked away. Helene was pale and standing alone by the side of the road, not knowing where he was supposed to go. The next day, Helene climbed drowsily onto a train. She didn't know where she was going. "how many months have you been pregnant, madam?" She sat in the dining car eating dinner in silence, and a woman sitting next to her asked her curiously. "eight months." Helene answered the beautiful young woman with a wry smile. "I've been eight months old, too!" The woman looked so happy that she did not notice that Helene was unhappy, and she began to talk to Helene on and on. She introduced her husband Bertrand to Helene. Her name is Patricia, and she and her husband fell in love at first sight, married after she became pregnant, and now they are going to return to Bertrand's hometown to settle down. Helene could not help feeling sad when he thought of the misfortune of being pregnant but abandoned by Frank, so he got up to leave the dining car on the pretext that he was not feeling well. The enthusiastic Patricia insisted that ai. (all) what Helene had been worried about finally happened: fiance Frank got her pregnant and finally abandoned her. Frank took her to the suburbs in a car, then pushed her out of the car and walked away. Helene was pale and standing alone by the side of the road, not knowing where he was supposed to go. The next day, Helene climbed drowsily onto a train. She didn't know where she was going. "how many months have you been pregnant, madam?" She sat in the dining car eating dinner in silence, and a woman sitting next to her asked her curiously. "eight months." Helene answered the beautiful young woman with a wry smile. "I've been eight months old, too!" The woman looked so happy that she did not notice that Helene was unhappy, and she began to talk to Helene on and on. She introduced her husband Bertrand to Helene. Her name is Patricia, and she and her husband fell in love at first sight, married after she became pregnant, and now they are going to return to Bertrand's hometown to settle down. Helene could not help feeling sad when he thought of the misfortune of being pregnant but abandoned by Frank, so he got up to leave the dining car on the pretext that he was not feeling well. The enthusiastic Patricia insisted that Helene take a rest in her car first. Just then, there was an accidental derailment on the train. Most of the passengers were killed in the disaster, but Helene survived. She was rescued to the hospital and gave birth to a little boy on the same day. Frightened and tired, Helene fell asleep for a long time, dimly feeling that someone was whispering around him. "Patricia. My name is Myron. I'm Bertrand's father. " The old man introduced himself when he saw Helene wake up with puzzled eyes. Then he pointed to the young man beside him and said, "his name is Pierre. He is my second son, Bertrand's brother." Patricia and her husband Bertrand were both killed because Helene was rescued from Patricia's carriage, so people took her as the surviving Patricia and informed Bertrand's father. Mr. McLang and his wife were naturally very sad when they heard that their son had died, comforting themselves that their daughter-in-law was still alive and had given birth to a grandson for them. As soon as he went out, Eleno laboriously propped himself up and ran to the closet to pick up his things. When she saw that the things in the closet belonged to Patricia, she suddenly realized why people had made a mistake. Helene felt that under no circumstances could he play the role of Mrs. Bertrand, sitting blankly in the hospital bed and meditating. But what should we do if we don't make a mistake? He has been abandoned by the rascal Frank and has become a homeless lone goose. How can he feed the poor child? She felt that up to now, she had no choice but to acquiesce to her present identity. A few days later, Helene was cured and discharged from the hospital. When she came to McLang Manor by car, she saw that the small building of the manor was brightly lit, and the old McLang and his wife Raina had been waiting in front of the building. Helene stepped out of the car with the child in his arms, with a look of panic and sadness in his eyes. At dinner, Reina kept asking about her son Bertrand and how Bertrand and Patricia met. Helene tried to recall what Patricia had told her on the train and answered with hesitation. Fortunately, the old couple did not know that their son was far away, and Mr. McLang was dissatisfied with his wife's interrogative conversation and stopped it in time. Helene cried anxiously. she left the restaurant and went back to her room upstairs on the pretext that she was not feeling well. After a while, the old lady, criticized by her husband and Pierre, followed upstairs and apologized to Helene. After a few days, Helene was no longer as sad as he was when he first came to the manor. Old McLang and his wife took care of her in every way, and Pierre cared about her all the more. In fact, the young man has developed an inexplicable feeling since he saw Helene in the hospital. There is both sympathy and love. There was a girl in the village named Feifu who had long been interested in Pierre, and she was secretly jealous when she saw that Pierre was now inseparable from Helene. One night, several young people gathered by the bonfire to have a good time. Pierre was angry for the first time in front of Helene for being drunk, and Phoebe took the opportunity to taunt her. When he got home, Helene was tossing and turning on the bed and couldn't sleep. But the next morning the servant came and told her to go downstairs and said that Mr. McLang and his family were waiting for her in the drawing-room. It turned out that Mrs. McLang had hired a lawyer, and she wanted to add the will in front of the whole family, explaining that after the death of Mr. and Mrs. McLang, their inheritance had been divided equally between the two sons to 1/3 of the inheritance to the youngest son Pierre, while the rest belonged to Patricia and her children. Helene was surprised to hear that she felt that she was an impostor to have a place to settle down, how could she enjoy the right to divide the estate! She protested vehemently, but Mr. and Mrs. McLang thought she was embarrassed to fight with Pierre for the inheritance. So they told her that it was Pierre's idea to amend the will. Helene turned a deaf ear to any explanation and ran back to his room without coming out for a while. Pierre came upstairs, stood guiltily in front of Helene and murmured for a long time, "Patricia, please forgive me for what I did last night." I've been drinking too much. I said those stupid things when I was drunk. Can you forgive me. " Pierre fell to his knees with a splash like a child who had made a mistake, asking for forgiveness. Helene asked him why he proposed to amend the will, and Pierre told Helene what he thought, and asked her to accept it for the sake of the wishes of the two old men. Helene thanked Pierre and his family from the bottom of his heart for their kindness, but refused firmly. Pierre took her in his arms, hugged her tightly, and said hastily, "Patricia, I want to tell you something, and if you agree, I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life." Helene knew what he was going to say and closed his eyes shyly. Helene was immersed in the happiness of love. One day, she suddenly received a letter. "here is a letter for you, Patricia." The old lady handed the letter to Helene. Helene was surprised. "my letter?" She asked in disbelief. "Patricia Malone. Isn't this for you? " The old lady read the envelope and said. Helene opened the envelope with trembling hands and drew out the letterhead, looking nervously at the contents of the letter, looking pale and motionless. This one just says, "who are you?" Who sent the three-word letter? Helene is so sensitive that someone is doubting his identity. She thought hard to find the answer, afraid to light a match and burn the letter. But early the next morning, the postman sent the same letter. Helene suspected that Pfeiffer had written the letter, so he angrily approached her and asked, "did you write to me?" "shall I write to you?" Pfeiffer was stunned for an inexplicable moment, and then shouted, "I don't have time to write to you!" I'm not a hypocrite. I'll say it to your face! " So Pfeiffer ironically poured out all the gossip of the villagers, and she said that Pierre was preaching everywhere that Helene had fallen in love with him and haunted him all day. "Mrs. McLang, Pierre loves me, you see!" Helene was humiliated and his heart ached vaguely. She knew that Pierre really loved himself and that Phoebe was jealous of her. However, the anonymous letter remains a mystery. The postman sent her a third letter! This time the content is more straightforward, it says, "where are you from?" Helene became more and more aware that the person who wrote the letter must know who he was. She could not guess what was behind the letter. She was so powerless to resist the fear brought to her by this threat that she really wanted to tell Pierre about it, but she was afraid that she would lose the warmth given to her by the family and Pierre's sincere love. In a dilemma, she suddenly ran to the room like something and opened the suitcase she had brought. She dug up a bunch of letters she had received in the past and began to write against the anonymous letter. When I turned to the letter from the rascal Frank, everything came to light. The anonymous letter was written by Frank! No more hesitation! Helene immediately decided to talk to Pierre about it. As soon as he opened the door, Helene could not help crying-it turned out that Frank had come here and came in through the door. "Hello, dear! I think you must have received my love letter? " Frank said to her brazenly. Helene was at a loss and froze as if possessed. At this time, the old lady came out of the room on crutches, and Frank not only was not nervous, but greeted her with a smile on her face. "how do you do, madam? I'm an old friend of Patricia's. My name is Frank Barry! Will I not disturb you? " "Patricia, is this your friend?" The old lady asked Helene. Helene, already pale with fear, did not know what to do for a moment, and subconsciously nodded and admitted. Old Malone came out, too, and he was very happy to hear that Frank was an old friend of his daughter-in-law. Frank dealt with them for a while, and finally made an excuse to go to work, and as he left, he said to Helene that he would call her tomorrow. Now that the scene had been opened, Helene could not refuse, and she feebly agreed to Frank. Unexpectedly, when Pierre came home, he could not help being jealous when he heard about it. He rushed into Helene's room and asked aloud what Helene had to do with the man. Of course Elena could only lie, but Pierre did not believe it. "Pierre, I beg you to stop asking." Helene implored. After Pierre left angrily, Helene suddenly felt a terrible silence in the room, and she was restless about what to do next. Thinking about it late into the night, she finally made up her mind to leave here. But when she heard the old lady coughing, she hesitated again. Early the next morning, Helene received a call from Frank. In order to find out the rascal's intentions, Helene went to the appointed place. "what do you want from me? Come on, let me go! " Helene, unwilling to struggle with Frank, snapped as soon as he met him. Frank smiled and told her how he saw Helene's picture and the report about the car accident in the newspaper, and later asked the hospital to confirm that Helene had entered the rich family. Now, he not only pretended to love Helene, but also wanted to impress her with his relationship with his son, hoping to get a large sum of money from Helene. After his blackmail was rejected, he came up with another idea in a twinkling of an eye. He immediately drove to McLang Manor to blackmail the old lady. In fact, the old lady thought there was something strange about Frank coming to the door, but she hated him even more when she heard him, so she swung her crutch and hit him, but she fell to the ground and Frank took the opportunity to slip away. Frank didn't stop there, and when Helene was busy getting a doctor for the old lady, he called again. Over the phone came Frank's cunning laughter, which stabbed Helene in the heart like a knife. Suddenly, she decided to see him again: "Frank, please come quickly. I want to discuss something with you." She told Frank to wait behind the castle on the edge of the grove. Helene left home and went to the back of the castle, and Frank soon arrived. He jumped out of the car, proudly stretched out his arms and walked towards Helene. He didn't know that Helene was clasping a dagger at the moment. When Frank came to hug her, she stabbed the dagger into his abdomen with all her strength. Frank looked straight in the eye, and without humming, fell to the ground dead with a plop. Helene fainted with a loud cry. She didn't wake up until Pierre, who had rushed home, came to her. Helene burst into tears and finally told Pierre who she really was and her relationship with Frank. To Helene's surprise, the McLang family did not dislike her. The next day, the old lady invited a notary, and she wanted to admit in public that she had killed Frank. The old lady said to the notary that she would kill Frank because the scoundrel threatened her family, and that if the judiciary were to pursue any responsibility, she hoped that the notary would defend herself. The notary accepted the old lady's complaint and entrustment. The storm passed and the Manor of Meran was filled with an atmosphere of happiness and serenity again. Helene, who had been abandoned for love, is now loved by the whole family of McLang. She is no longer sad, because they love each other, the life ahead is so beautiful.

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