
The show is a romantic fantasy suspense about Jin Rui, who was hit by the kidnapping of her young daughter, and how a woman who lived in the past a month ago struggled alone to save her loved ones. Living in the present and the past after the encounter, in order to recover the tragedy has occurred, each time experienced a new truth and events. Directed by "not a Robot", "Spring is coming, Spring" is directed by Park Shengyu, and written by Li Xiuxian.

The show is a romantic fantasy suspense about Jin Rui, who was hit by the kidnapping of her young daughter, and how a woman who lived in the past a month ago struggled alone to save her loved ones. Living in the present and the past after the encounter, in order to recover the tragedy has occurred, each time experienced a new truth and events. Directed by "not a Robot", "Spring is coming, Spring" is directed by Park Shengyu, and written by Li Xiuxian.

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