Karei naru ichizoku

Karei naru ichizoku (2007)

54m | Plot | Japan

December 31, 1968 (Showa 43), Wanju Tieping (Kimura Takuya) once again set foot on the memories of Danboxiao Mountain, the vast white snow only Tieping's footprints. Two years ago, Tieping was still a promising entrepreneur. His Hanshin steel manufacturing technology was leading, but he had no blast furnace, could not make pig iron himself, and was everywhere subject to the leading imperial steelmaking enterprise. With Tieping, which catches up with the world steelmaking level, we are determined to make our own blast furnace. Tiehei's father, Daisuke Wan, is in charge of Hanshin Bank, but the wave of financial reform is coming, and Hanshin Bank is in danger of being annexed. In order to gain a foothold and save the family business, Daisuke did not hesitate to use his children's policy marriage to open up the relationship for himself. This gorgeous family is glossy on the surface, occupying the power of the big plutocrats in Kansai, and the mansion occupies one side overlooking sentient beings. However, there are hidden secrets of conversion in this mansion: the three beds in Daisuke's room and the striking resemblance between Tiehei and his grandfather caused Daisuke's suspicion. As said at the beginning, this is about a son who risked his life for ironmaking and a father who tried to survive in the forefront of financial reform.

December 31, 1968 (Showa 43), Wanju Tieping (Kimura Takuya) once again set foot on the memories of Danboxiao Mountain, the vast white snow only Tieping's footprints. Two years ago, Tieping was still a promising entrepreneur. His Hanshin steel manufacturing technology was leading, but he had no blast furnace, could not make pig iron himself, and was everywhere subject to the leading imperial steelmaking enterprise. With Tieping, which catches up with the world steelmaking level, we are determined to make our own blast furnace. Tiehei's father, Daisuke Wan, is in charge of Hanshin Bank, but the wave of financial reform is coming, and Hanshin Bank is in danger of being annexed. In order to gain a foothold and save the family business, Daisuke did not hesitate to use his children's policy marriage to open up the relationship for himself. This gorgeous family is glossy on the surface, occupying the power of the big plutocrats in Kansai, and the mansion occupies one side overlooking sentient beings. However, there are hidden secrets of conversion in this mansion: the three beds in Daisuke's room and the striking resemblance between Tiehei and his grandfather caused Daisuke's suspicion. As said at the beginning, this is about a son who risked his life for ironmaking and a father who tried to survive in the forefront of financial reform.

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