
The play, adapted from Hiroki Nagaoka's novel of the same name, takes the police academy as the stage, and describes the story of students who challenge their limits and grow up. Kudo Assuga, Chunnai Kawaguchi, Lin Kaidu, Kuiroicai, Iwawai, Tomosheng, Weifang Ryosuke, Ryoda Murai and other students who play the police academy will receive guidance from the strict instructor Takuya Kimura. The series, written by Junji Liangyi ("Jump search Line") and directed by Zhongjiangong ("Lovers on Ice"), will be broadcast for two consecutive nights on January 4 and 5, 2020.

The play, adapted from Hiroki Nagaoka's novel of the same name, takes the police academy as the stage, and describes the story of students who challenge their limits and grow up. Kudo Assuga, Chunnai Kawaguchi, Lin Kaidu, Kuiroicai, Iwawai, Tomosheng, Weifang Ryosuke, Ryoda Murai and other students who play the police academy will receive guidance from the strict instructor Takuya Kimura. The series, written by Junji Liangyi ("Jump search Line") and directed by Zhongjiangong ("Lovers on Ice"), will be broadcast for two consecutive nights on January 4 and 5, 2020.

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