Kyoukai no kanata

Kyoukai no kanata (2013)

24m | Plot, Animation | Japan

There are alien things in this world, whose posture is ever-changing, that is, the "demon dream", and those who take the demon dream as their industry are the people of different worlds. The protagonist Akiren Kamihara (voiced by KENN), who looks like an ordinary high school boy, is actually a "half-demon" born by the combination of human beings and demons. With an immortal body, he met a young girl, Kuriyama Future, who wanted to jump on the campus rooftop one evening. Unexpectedly, the girl attacked him. It turned out that she looked like an ordinary new-born beautiful girl with glasses, but she was an alien who could manipulate blood. The future of Kuriyama, which has special abilities, has attracted the attention of famous families from different worlds. Meiyue (voiced by Maoyuan Shili), who is also the Ministry of Literature and Art with Qiu people, is the second daughter of the Mase family, and she instructs Qiu people to stay away from Kuriyama. Raging demons, outsiders who walk alone in the world, and rare demons unfold a strange fantasy story on the other side of the realm.

There are alien things in this world, whose posture is ever-changing, that is, the "demon dream", and those who take the demon dream as their industry are the people of different worlds. The protagonist Akiren Kamihara (voiced by KENN), who looks like an ordinary high school boy, is actually a "half-demon" born by the combination of human beings and demons. With an immortal body, he met a young girl, Kuriyama Future, who wanted to jump on the campus rooftop one evening. Unexpectedly, the girl attacked him. It turned out that she looked like an ordinary new-born beautiful girl with glasses, but she was an alien who could manipulate blood. The future of Kuriyama, which has special abilities, has attracted the attention of famous families from different worlds. Meiyue (voiced by Maoyuan Shili), who is also the Ministry of Literature and Art with Qiu people, is the second daughter of the Mase family, and she instructs Qiu people to stay away from Kuriyama. Raging demons, outsiders who walk alone in the world, and rare demons unfold a strange fantasy story on the other side of the realm.