Les Invisibles

Les Invisibles (2012)


There is no future without history. Although many comrades are afraid of getting old, old age is not terrible. The terrible thing is that ignorance spends time in youth. The documentary starts from 11 gay elders over the age of 70 to tell their lives as experienced people. All 11 old people were born during the two world wars and lived in the most conservative era. They have loved, struggled, been romantic, indulged, and are calm when they are not accepted. The director went to the European countryside to find these comrades, editing precious historical films, past relationships and today's life together. It is not that invisible comrades do not exist, but they accept the fate of life, choose to stay away from social life, retire to inconspicuous corners, and quietly write new gay history. Director Sabastin Lichtz won the Teddy Bear, the highest honor of gay films at the Berlin Film Festival, in 2004 for "the Wild Trio."

There is no future without history. Although many comrades are afraid of getting old, old age is not terrible. The terrible thing is that ignorance spends time in youth. The documentary starts from 11 gay elders over the age of 70 to tell their lives as experienced people. All 11 old people were born during the two world wars and lived in the most conservative era. They have loved, struggled, been romantic, indulged, and are calm when they are not accepted. The director went to the European countryside to find these comrades, editing precious historical films, past relationships and today's life together. It is not that invisible comrades do not exist, but they accept the fate of life, choose to stay away from social life, retire to inconspicuous corners, and quietly write new gay history. Director Sabastin Lichtz won the Teddy Bear, the highest honor of gay films at the Berlin Film Festival, in 2004 for "the Wild Trio."
