Little Satchmo

Little Satchmo (2021)

1h | Documentary | USA

The documentary "Little Satchmo" about one of the greatest jazz singers, Louis Armstrong, released a trailer with melodious wind music and Armstrong's distinctive voice. The film is told by his secret daughter Sharon Preston-Folta, who has not been known to the public for a long time. What kind of man is her father in her memory? In 2002, 40 years after Armstrong's death, Preston-Folta publicly declared that she was Armstrong's daughter and his only child who was considered childless. She called her mother the dancer Lucille Preston,1940 era, and Lucille and her husband Luther Preston performed with Armstrong and became friends. Luther then died, Lucille became a widow, Armstrong fell in love with her in the process of comforting her, and the two had a child. If so, however, Armstrong had an affair-he was married to Lucille Wilson, another woman named Lucille.

The documentary "Little Satchmo" about one of the greatest jazz singers, Louis Armstrong, released a trailer with melodious wind music and Armstrong's distinctive voice. The film is told by his secret daughter Sharon Preston-Folta, who has not been known to the public for a long time. What kind of man is her father in her memory? In 2002, 40 years after Armstrong's death, Preston-Folta publicly declared that she was Armstrong's daughter and his only child who was considered childless. She called her mother the dancer Lucille Preston,1940 era, and Lucille and her husband Luther Preston performed with Armstrong and became friends. Luther then died, Lucille became a widow, Armstrong fell in love with her in the process of comforting her, and the two had a child. If so, however, Armstrong had an affair-he was married to Lucille Wilson, another woman named Lucille.