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Monsieur Gangster

Monsieur Gangster (1963)

1h 45m | Comedy, Action, Crime | France

The French gangster movies of the 1960s were not violent at all, but had a bit of a dark humor. Several protagonists are famous actors, and any one of them has starred in hundreds of movies! In those days, gang fighting and firefighting were a little strange. Either ambush on the side of the road or engage in a silent pistol shootout in a remote house. It's also fun to fight, just pull it over and punch it with your fist. There is no knife at all, and there is little blood. It's not as bloody as it is now. The plot is about a former gang leader summoned by a gang boss who is about to die. He was appointed as the new leader, took over the gang business and was responsible for taking care of the old boss's daughter. At that time, the French mafia was a bit like the Italian mafia, and the new boss was also responsible for taking care of widows or orphans. Of course, the original officers and generals were not convinced. The succession of this kind of gang will be in trouble. The attraction of the film is to add comedy to the hot story. It seems that everyone in it doesn't care much about life or death, but cares about his face and sense of humor. The daughter of the former boss was even more out of line, looking like a princess, living in a beautiful castle and shining. And almost all the bosses spoil her. The Claud... who plays the daughter.

The French gangster movies of the 1960s were not violent at all, but had a bit of a dark humor. Several protagonists are famous actors, and any one of them has starred in hundreds of movies! In those days, gang fighting and firefighting were a little strange. Either ambush on the side of the road or engage in a silent pistol shootout in a remote house. It's also fun to fight, just pull it over and punch it with your fist. There is no knife at all, and there is little blood. It's not as bloody as it is now. The plot is about a former gang leader summoned by a gang boss who is about to die. He was appointed as the new leader, took over the gang business and was responsible for taking care of the old boss's daughter. At that time, the French mafia was a bit like the Italian mafia, and the new boss was also responsible for taking care of widows or orphans. Of course, the original officers and generals were not convinced. The succession of this kind of gang will be in trouble. The attraction of the film is to add comedy to the hot story. It seems that everyone in it doesn't care much about life or death, but cares about his face and sense of humor. The daughter of the former boss was even more out of line, looking like a princess, living in a beautiful castle and shining. And almost all the bosses spoil her. The Claud... who plays the daughter.

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