Mori, the Artist's Habitat

Mori, the Artist's Habitat (2018)

1h 39m | Plot | Japan

In the history of Japanese art, Shouichi Kumani is regarded as a wild animal painter. He was born rich but lived a poor life, and was praised as a "painting fairy". The film tells the story of Shouichi Kumagai who almost never went out for 30 years and wrote the Tale of Immortals at home. Yamazaki Nu and Shuri Xilin, two veteran actors who have been in the Japanese film industry for more than a few decades, are good at acting in biographies, and the famous director Shoichi Okinata does not change his warm nature.

In the history of Japanese art, Shouichi Kumani is regarded as a wild animal painter. He was born rich but lived a poor life, and was praised as a "painting fairy". The film tells the story of Shouichi Kumagai who almost never went out for 30 years and wrote the Tale of Immortals at home. Yamazaki Nu and Shuri Xilin, two veteran actors who have been in the Japanese film industry for more than a few decades, are good at acting in biographies, and the famous director Shoichi Okinata does not change his warm nature.

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