O Jerusalem

O Jerusalem (2006)

1h 40m | Plot | France

About ◎ (from VeryCD) the story takes place after the end of World War II, when the United Nations voted on the partition of Palestine: Britain ended its mandate in Palestine on August 1, 1948, and two months later, two states, the Arab State and the Jewish State, were established on Palestinian land. But five Arab League countries disagreed and launched a war against Jews the day after the founding of Israel. The film takes two young people, the Jewish Bobby Goldman and the Muslim Sa?d, as the main line, recreating the history of Israeli-Palestinian partition. They used to be good friends, met in the United States, returned to the Middle East for their different missions, and different positions of different nations made them hostile on the battlefield. Of course, love is indispensable. Bobby and Hadassah met on the first day of the war. The feelings between them are not exaggerated, and they can feel that they are growing day by day. Feel them in your eyes and actions. (< a href= "https://www.douban.com/link2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Flib.verycd.com%2F2007%2F04%2F19%2F0000147126.html&link2key=caf1cb781e" target=" _ blank "rel=" nofollow "> http://lib.verycd.com/2007/04/19/0000147126.html)

About ◎ (from VeryCD) the story takes place after the end of World War II, when the United Nations voted on the partition of Palestine: Britain ended its mandate in Palestine on August 1, 1948, and two months later, two states, the Arab State and the Jewish State, were established on Palestinian land. But five Arab League countries disagreed and launched a war against Jews the day after the founding of Israel. The film takes two young people, the Jewish Bobby Goldman and the Muslim Sa?d, as the main line, recreating the history of Israeli-Palestinian partition. They used to be good friends, met in the United States, returned to the Middle East for their different missions, and different positions of different nations made them hostile on the battlefield. Of course, love is indispensable. Bobby and Hadassah met on the first day of the war. The feelings between them are not exaggerated, and they can feel that they are growing day by day. Feel them in your eyes and actions. (< a href= "https://www.douban.com/link2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Flib.verycd.com%2F2007%2F04%2F19%2F0000147126.html&link2key=caf1cb781e" target=" _ blank "rel=" nofollow "> http://lib.verycd.com/2007/04/19/0000147126.html)


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