Regarde la mer

Regarde la mer (1997)


In the seaside cabin, the young Mrs. Nahl, with her 10-month-old baby girl Siphra, waited in loneliness for her husband who worked in Paris. A strange female tourist appeared at her window and asked for a place to set up a tent in the open air in front of her house. Mrs. Nahl hesitated to agree. In the evening, she invited female tourists to dinner and recalled her adventures when she was single at the dinner table. As they got to know each other, the two women took their children to the beach and dined together. Mrs. Nahl graciously let the female tourists use her own bathroom, and the other side also helped Mrs. Nell take care of her children while she was in town. There is also a subtle attraction to each other. The two have their own secrets. One morning a few days later, Mr. Nahl came back, and the room was empty. Not far away, a cruise ship is bustling, and a woman is holding a crying Siphra looking at the sea.

In the seaside cabin, the young Mrs. Nahl, with her 10-month-old baby girl Siphra, waited in loneliness for her husband who worked in Paris. A strange female tourist appeared at her window and asked for a place to set up a tent in the open air in front of her house. Mrs. Nahl hesitated to agree. In the evening, she invited female tourists to dinner and recalled her adventures when she was single at the dinner table. As they got to know each other, the two women took their children to the beach and dined together. Mrs. Nahl graciously let the female tourists use her own bathroom, and the other side also helped Mrs. Nell take care of her children while she was in town. There is also a subtle attraction to each other. The two have their own secrets. One morning a few days later, Mr. Nahl came back, and the room was empty. Not far away, a cruise ship is bustling, and a woman is holding a crying Siphra looking at the sea.

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