Safe Haven

Safe Haven (2013)

1h 55m | Romance, Suspense | USA

For the residents of Nangang, the arrival of Katie (Julian Haofu Julianne Hough) is a major event, although the young and beautiful girl's polite behavior is beyond reproach, but the speculation and questions about her never stop. For Katie, the free and tranquil Southport is a good place to heal. However, no matter how far a man ran away, he could not escape his past, and neither could Katie. The more she tried to forget all the terrible things that had happened, the more she was troubled by this memory, so she knew that Nangang was not a place to stay for a long time. In Nangang, Katie becomes acquainted with the handsome young man Alex (Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel), whose gentle care shakes Katie's determination to leave, and the distance between the two young people is getting closer and closer under the accumulated tenderness. Can the presence of Alex change Katie's fate?

For the residents of Nangang, the arrival of Katie (Julian Haofu Julianne Hough) is a major event, although the young and beautiful girl's polite behavior is beyond reproach, but the speculation and questions about her never stop. For Katie, the free and tranquil Southport is a good place to heal. However, no matter how far a man ran away, he could not escape his past, and neither could Katie. The more she tried to forget all the terrible things that had happened, the more she was troubled by this memory, so she knew that Nangang was not a place to stay for a long time. In Nangang, Katie becomes acquainted with the handsome young man Alex (Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel), whose gentle care shakes Katie's determination to leave, and the distance between the two young people is getting closer and closer under the accumulated tenderness. Can the presence of Alex change Katie's fate?

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