Searching Eva

Searching Eva (2019)

1h 25m | Documentary | Germany

When in 1996 Grateful Dead songwriter John Perry Barlow announced "a civilization of the spirit" with cyberspace - "may it be more humane and just than the world your governments have built so far" - F. was four years old. A few years later, the young Italian declared privacy an outdated concept, gave herself the name Eva and put her diary online on her first blog. Over the nex...

When in 1996 Grateful Dead songwriter John Perry Barlow announced "a civilization of the spirit" with cyberspace - "may it be more humane and just than the world your governments have built so far" - F. was four years old. A few years later, the young Italian declared privacy an outdated concept, gave herself the name Eva and put her diary online on her first blog. Over the nex...
