Sekando bâjin

Sekando bâjin (2011)

| Plot | Japan

Middle-aged, senior executive of a publishing house with a failed marriage, Ryuki Nakamura (Keika Suzuki), and the young, promising, enthusiastic and capable financial rookie Suzuki Hasegawa (Hiroshi Hasegawa), two people who did not meet each other were acquainted with each other at a cocktail party and became lovers because of a far-sighted financial planning book. Suzuki has become a hot financial prince, and Nakamura has made a lot of money by publishing Suzuki's new book. But what they are engaged in is an inextricable love. Suzuki has married the famous daughter Wanlijiang (Kyoko Shimada). The 17-year-old couple do not hesitate to gamble on their lives and careers. Soon after coming together, Suzuki disappeared from life in Nakamura. Five years later, Nakamura was accidentally reunited with Nakamura on the streets of Malaysia, and the other side was soon fatally shot.

Middle-aged, senior executive of a publishing house with a failed marriage, Ryuki Nakamura (Keika Suzuki), and the young, promising, enthusiastic and capable financial rookie Suzuki Hasegawa (Hiroshi Hasegawa), two people who did not meet each other were acquainted with each other at a cocktail party and became lovers because of a far-sighted financial planning book. Suzuki has become a hot financial prince, and Nakamura has made a lot of money by publishing Suzuki's new book. But what they are engaged in is an inextricable love. Suzuki has married the famous daughter Wanlijiang (Kyoko Shimada). The 17-year-old couple do not hesitate to gamble on their lives and careers. Soon after coming together, Suzuki disappeared from life in Nakamura. Five years later, Nakamura was accidentally reunited with Nakamura on the streets of Malaysia, and the other side was soon fatally shot.

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