
Sigeuneol (2016)


The criminal policeman Park Haiying (Li Dixun) of the mystery search team is a police heretic who is dissatisfied and distrustful of the police. In order to make a living, Haiying wasted her talent in investigating the privacy of celebrities and then selling them to the media until a 10-year-old radio rang. And criminal policeman Li Caihan (Zhao Zhenxiong), who was once active in the police circle in the 1980s, will not play tricks, but will only rush forward as an upright man. Caihan uses a wireless phone to contact Haiying and begins to solve the unsolved incidents of the past.

The criminal policeman Park Haiying (Li Dixun) of the mystery search team is a police heretic who is dissatisfied and distrustful of the police. In order to make a living, Haiying wasted her talent in investigating the privacy of celebrities and then selling them to the media until a 10-year-old radio rang. And criminal policeman Li Caihan (Zhao Zhenxiong), who was once active in the police circle in the 1980s, will not play tricks, but will only rush forward as an upright man. Caihan uses a wireless phone to contact Haiying and begins to solve the unsolved incidents of the past.