
Skin (2018)

1h 58m | Plot | USA

Jamie Bell will star in the new film "skin" (Skin), Danielle McDonald ([Patty Cake $]) has joined, and director Gennatifer ([son of God]). The film is adapted from a true story. Brian Wendell, a former head of the Winland skinheads, was covered with tattoos. After his marriage in 2006, Wendell decided to quit the gang and underwent 25 laser operations to remove tattoos on the face, neck and hands. ( short film version)

Jamie Bell will star in the new film "skin" (Skin), Danielle McDonald ([Patty Cake $]) has joined, and director Gennatifer ([son of God]). The film is adapted from a true story. Brian Wendell, a former head of the Winland skinheads, was covered with tattoos. After his marriage in 2006, Wendell decided to quit the gang and underwent 25 laser operations to remove tattoos on the face, neck and hands. ( short film version)

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