Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire (2008)

R | 2h | Romance | UK

2006, Mumbai, India. Indian youth Gemma Malik (Dave Patel) is still one question away from winning 20 million rupees. How did he do it? A: he cheated; B: he was lucky; C: he was a genius; D: everything was meant to be. This is the life version of the TV quiz show who wants to be a Millionaire. Gemma Malik was arrested by the police for fraud after winning 10 million rupees. Under torture, Gemma told the truth that he got 10 million rupees-he does know the answer, but that's all he knows! Gemma, who was born in a slum, lived a hard life when he was young, but together with his brother Salim and the young girl Rajka (Freda Pinto), they have experienced the changes in India for decades. Every question before is like a fragment of Gemma's memory, affecting his memories of affection, love and life. Now, on the one hand, Gemma wants to clear her suspicion of crime, and on the other hand, she wants to save her love with Rajka. Before money and love, can Gemma be calm and choose the right answer?

2006, Mumbai, India. Indian youth Gemma Malik (Dave Patel) is still one question away from winning 20 million rupees. How did he do it? A: he cheated; B: he was lucky; C: he was a genius; D: everything was meant to be. This is the life version of the TV quiz show who wants to be a Millionaire. Gemma Malik was arrested by the police for fraud after winning 10 million rupees. Under torture, Gemma told the truth that he got 10 million rupees-he does know the answer, but that's all he knows! Gemma, who was born in a slum, lived a hard life when he was young, but together with his brother Salim and the young girl Rajka (Freda Pinto), they have experienced the changes in India for decades. Every question before is like a fragment of Gemma's memory, affecting his memories of affection, love and life. Now, on the one hand, Gemma wants to clear her suspicion of crime, and on the other hand, she wants to save her love with Rajka. Before money and love, can Gemma be calm and choose the right answer?