Sora no otoshimono

Sora no otoshimono (2009 - 2014)

24m | Animation | Japan

The story takes place in the peaceful and tranquil town of Kammei, where the ordinary young Sakurai Sakurai (voiced by Bao Zhi Chief Ichiro) lives a life of solitude. Every night, the wisdom tree will dream of angels falling from the sky, although troubled by the dream, but the wisdom tree every day can still be called calm. One day, an unknown creature named Icarus (see the voice of Sha Zhi) landed beside the wisdom tree, with a lovely face and huge wings on her back. Did everything in the dream come true? The kind wise tree took in Icarus, and his tenderness and sincerity moved the angel who should have been ruthless. After that, Nymph (voiced by Yizhi Noshui) and Astria (voiced by Xiangzhi Fukuhara) were also influenced by Zhi Shu to stay with him. Where did these angels come from? Why are you here? Behind them, there seem to be many unknown secrets.

The story takes place in the peaceful and tranquil town of Kammei, where the ordinary young Sakurai Sakurai (voiced by Bao Zhi Chief Ichiro) lives a life of solitude. Every night, the wisdom tree will dream of angels falling from the sky, although troubled by the dream, but the wisdom tree every day can still be called calm. One day, an unknown creature named Icarus (see the voice of Sha Zhi) landed beside the wisdom tree, with a lovely face and huge wings on her back. Did everything in the dream come true? The kind wise tree took in Icarus, and his tenderness and sincerity moved the angel who should have been ruthless. After that, Nymph (voiced by Yizhi Noshui) and Astria (voiced by Xiangzhi Fukuhara) were also influenced by Zhi Shu to stay with him. Where did these angels come from? Why are you here? Behind them, there seem to be many unknown secrets.