The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother

The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother (1975)

1h 31m | Comedy, Suspense, Crime | USA

Gene Wilder directed and starred for the first time. Describe the foolish brother of Sherlock Holmes, who was lucky enough to deal with a disguised opera actress and a ubiquitous professor, thus solving a mysterious international espionage case. Following the style of his master, Mel Brooke, the director joked about Sherlock Holmes movies, but most of the scenes were aimless, and only a few scenes showed comedy brilliance.

Gene Wilder directed and starred for the first time. Describe the foolish brother of Sherlock Holmes, who was lucky enough to deal with a disguised opera actress and a ubiquitous professor, thus solving a mysterious international espionage case. Following the style of his master, Mel Brooke, the director joked about Sherlock Holmes movies, but most of the scenes were aimless, and only a few scenes showed comedy brilliance.

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