The Armstrong Lie

The Armstrong Lie (2013)

2h 4m | Documentary | USA

Lance Armstrong, the "king of the Tour de France", once existed as a myth in sports. The American cyclist, who won seven consecutive championships in the Tour de France, beat cancer during his career. Armstrong seemed invincible at that time. But in 2012 Armstrong was finally confirmed to have taken stimulants, stripped of his Tour de France title and banned for life, and all his past glory was shattered in an instant.

Lance Armstrong, the "king of the Tour de France", once existed as a myth in sports. The American cyclist, who won seven consecutive championships in the Tour de France, beat cancer during his career. Armstrong seemed invincible at that time. But in 2012 Armstrong was finally confirmed to have taken stimulants, stripped of his Tour de France title and banned for life, and all his past glory was shattered in an instant.