The Bird People in China

The Bird People in China (1998)


Wada (Masahiro Motomi), a small employee of a jewelry company, took on the work of going to Yunnan, China, in search of jadeite mines because his colleagues were hospitalized. He was accompanied by an interpreter, Mr. Shen (acted the role of a mafia), and a family of gang leaders (played by Shijiazi). The family was rude and bad-tempered, and lived a life of licking blood all day long. This time, he was ordered by the organization to supervise the work of Hotan. This strange trio came all the way to Yunnan and encountered many strange anecdotes along the road. When they reached the mountains, they found the legendary Birdman tribe living here. The ancestors of the Birdman tribe seemed to have the ability to fly against the wind, but now this legend has long been forgotten.

Wada (Masahiro Motomi), a small employee of a jewelry company, took on the work of going to Yunnan, China, in search of jadeite mines because his colleagues were hospitalized. He was accompanied by an interpreter, Mr. Shen (acted the role of a mafia), and a family of gang leaders (played by Shijiazi). The family was rude and bad-tempered, and lived a life of licking blood all day long. This time, he was ordered by the organization to supervise the work of Hotan. This strange trio came all the way to Yunnan and encountered many strange anecdotes along the road. When they reached the mountains, they found the legendary Birdman tribe living here. The ancestors of the Birdman tribe seemed to have the ability to fly against the wind, but now this legend has long been forgotten.