The Bridge at Remagen

The Bridge at Remagen (1969)

1h 55m | Action, War | USA

The historical information about the bridge on the Internet is not very detailed, and the introduction to the film is pitiful. I have mostly mentioned the bridge in some historical documentaries-but, Hitler once said, "there are two bridgeheads that determine the fate of our Germany, one in Normandy and the other in Remagan!" "the Remagan Bridge" (Bridge at Remagen)-shot by MGM in 1969; directed by John Guillermin; starring: George Siegel, Bengizara, Marshall, etc. As a work of art, this feature film adds a lot of fictional characters and plots, and its connotation is quite rich. I think many friends have seen it, and there are translated versions in China. Just want to provide some reference for friends who are also interested in this bridge or this film! The Remagan Bridge was occupied by US troops. "like a scalpel, it made a cut in the German defense line of the Rhine!" More than 100 German engineers on the other side of the river launched a suicidal charge, almost all of them were killed! ...

The historical information about the bridge on the Internet is not very detailed, and the introduction to the film is pitiful. I have mostly mentioned the bridge in some historical documentaries-but, Hitler once said, "there are two bridgeheads that determine the fate of our Germany, one in Normandy and the other in Remagan!" "the Remagan Bridge" (Bridge at Remagen)-shot by MGM in 1969; directed by John Guillermin; starring: George Siegel, Bengizara, Marshall, etc. As a work of art, this feature film adds a lot of fictional characters and plots, and its connotation is quite rich. I think many friends have seen it, and there are translated versions in China. Just want to provide some reference for friends who are also interested in this bridge or this film! The Remagan Bridge was occupied by US troops. "like a scalpel, it made a cut in the German defense line of the Rhine!" More than 100 German engineers on the other side of the river launched a suicidal charge, almost all of them were killed! ...

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