The Crow: City of Angels

The Crow: City of Angels (1996)

1h 24m | Action, Thrilling, Crime, Fantasy | USA

Los Angeles became a sinful city after the turmoil, showing a mournful defeat under the control of evil forces and drug traffickers. Ash, who was killed by drug traffickers and survived, destroyed several drug traffickers' base areas for revenge. The boss of the drug dealer threatened Ash not only to kidnap Sarah who had a relationship with Ash, but also discovered Ash's weakness.

Los Angeles became a sinful city after the turmoil, showing a mournful defeat under the control of evil forces and drug traffickers. Ash, who was killed by drug traffickers and survived, destroyed several drug traffickers' base areas for revenge. The boss of the drug dealer threatened Ash not only to kidnap Sarah who had a relationship with Ash, but also discovered Ash's weakness.

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