The Eddy Duchin Story

The Eddy Duchin Story (1956)


Pianist Eddie (Tyrone Bauer Tyrone Power) is invited by Lesman (Larry Keating) to come to New York alone from Boston, hoping to apply for a position in the Casino band, but when he stands in front of Lesman, the latter goes back on his word and denies his invitation. Fortunately, a beautiful woman named Marjorie (Kim Novak Kim Novak) came forward to help Eddie. The talented Eddie was soon recognized by the audience and colleagues, and the relationship between him and Ma Jiaoli became closer and closer. finally, the happy two entered the hall of marriage, and Ma Jiaoli soon had Eddie's flesh and blood. Bad luck fell from the sky. On the day of the birth, Ma Jiaoli died in childbirth. Looking at his wife's pale face, Eddie could not help blaming the crying baby in his arms. In despair, he chose to leave, leaving the sad place of London. Also left his children.

Pianist Eddie (Tyrone Bauer Tyrone Power) is invited by Lesman (Larry Keating) to come to New York alone from Boston, hoping to apply for a position in the Casino band, but when he stands in front of Lesman, the latter goes back on his word and denies his invitation. Fortunately, a beautiful woman named Marjorie (Kim Novak Kim Novak) came forward to help Eddie. The talented Eddie was soon recognized by the audience and colleagues, and the relationship between him and Ma Jiaoli became closer and closer. finally, the happy two entered the hall of marriage, and Ma Jiaoli soon had Eddie's flesh and blood. Bad luck fell from the sky. On the day of the birth, Ma Jiaoli died in childbirth. Looking at his wife's pale face, Eddie could not help blaming the crying baby in his arms. In despair, he chose to leave, leaving the sad place of London. Also left his children.

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