The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio

The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio (2005)

1h 39m | Plot, Biography | USA

Housewife Evelyn Lane (Julianne Moore) has a total of ten children, although her husband's income is small, but life is not a problem. At that time, prize competitions for advertising word design were popular in the United States. Evelyn, who worked in a publishing house before marriage, had this advantage, so he often got a lot of daily necessities and electrical appliances, and the children in the family respected this excellent mother very much. she also often joyfully wants to participate in the competition with her children. And her husband always had a sense of inferiority in the face of an excellent wife, and the couple began to quarrel. Her husband has a habit of drinking, and she and her children know that their lives would be less strapped if they hadn't spent all their money on alcohol. Evelyn always thinks about her husband and children every day, and she tolerates her husband's bad habits. But at this time, the husband unexpectedly made the second mortgage on their house, and if the debt could not be repaid a month later, the children would have to be placed in foster care with relatives and friends. The whole family was at a loss and sad, and hoped that Evelyn would stand out in the last competition.

Housewife Evelyn Lane (Julianne Moore) has a total of ten children, although her husband's income is small, but life is not a problem. At that time, prize competitions for advertising word design were popular in the United States. Evelyn, who worked in a publishing house before marriage, had this advantage, so he often got a lot of daily necessities and electrical appliances, and the children in the family respected this excellent mother very much. she also often joyfully wants to participate in the competition with her children. And her husband always had a sense of inferiority in the face of an excellent wife, and the couple began to quarrel. Her husband has a habit of drinking, and she and her children know that their lives would be less strapped if they hadn't spent all their money on alcohol. Evelyn always thinks about her husband and children every day, and she tolerates her husband's bad habits. But at this time, the husband unexpectedly made the second mortgage on their house, and if the debt could not be repaid a month later, the children would have to be placed in foster care with relatives and friends. The whole family was at a loss and sad, and hoped that Evelyn would stand out in the last competition.

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