Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair (2018)

46m | Plot | UK

The story takes place in England in the 19th century. Becky (Olivia Cook Olivia Cooke) was born in a poor family. When she grew up, she married Mr. Sharp, who was also born ordinary. Although her future was bleak, Becky never gave up the illusion of entering the upper class. By accident, Becky enters the home of Sir Cowley (Martin Cruise Martin Clunes), where she is loved not only by the children, but also by the harsh Aunt Matilda (Francis de La Tuva Frances de la Tour), which gives Becky a glimmer of hope. After that, Becky meets her long-lost friend Amelia (Claudia Jesse Claudia Jessie) and has a relationship with Lawton (Tom Bartman Tom Bateman), the heir to the Cowley family. When the war breaks out, Lawton and Amelia's husband George (Charlo Charlie Rowe) go to war together, leaving Amelia and Becky in troubled times.

The story takes place in England in the 19th century. Becky (Olivia Cook Olivia Cooke) was born in a poor family. When she grew up, she married Mr. Sharp, who was also born ordinary. Although her future was bleak, Becky never gave up the illusion of entering the upper class. By accident, Becky enters the home of Sir Cowley (Martin Cruise Martin Clunes), where she is loved not only by the children, but also by the harsh Aunt Matilda (Francis de La Tuva Frances de la Tour), which gives Becky a glimmer of hope. After that, Becky meets her long-lost friend Amelia (Claudia Jesse Claudia Jessie) and has a relationship with Lawton (Tom Bartman Tom Bateman), the heir to the Cowley family. When the war breaks out, Lawton and Amelia's husband George (Charlo Charlie Rowe) go to war together, leaving Amelia and Becky in troubled times.

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