You Don't Know Me

You Don't Know Me (2021)

57m | Plot | UK

BBC booked a novel adaptation of the crime drama "you don't know the Truth You Don't Know Me," which was produced by Tom Edge, the screenwriter of "Crown The Crown" and Snowed-In Productions, the production company of "Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson". The four series "# you don't know the Truth" tells the story of a young man accused of murder. Although the evidence is conclusive, he tells a bizarre story at the trial. He says that everything is to save the woman he loves, but he is actually innocent. The question is, will you believe him?

BBC booked a novel adaptation of the crime drama "you don't know the Truth You Don't Know Me," which was produced by Tom Edge, the screenwriter of "Crown The Crown" and Snowed-In Productions, the production company of "Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson". The four series "# you don't know the Truth" tells the story of a young man accused of murder. Although the evidence is conclusive, he tells a bizarre story at the trial. He says that everything is to save the woman he loves, but he is actually innocent. The question is, will you believe him?

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