Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones (2011 - 2019)
Season 8 Closed


Game of Thrones is a medieval epic fantasy TV series based on the American writer George R R Martin's fantasy masterpiece Song of Ice and Fire. The fictional world in the background of the story is divided into two continents: Westeros, the "sunset country" in the west, and a similar Eurasian continent in the east. The danger is getting closer to the discovery of ancient legendary long-extinct creatures at the continental border of Westeros. The Lord of Winterfell and the leader of the Eddard Stark family in the north of the continent also welcomed the visit of his old friend and King Robert Baratheon. The king wants Eddard Stark (Sean Bing Sean Bean) to serve as prime minister against the rebels who are trying to seize the Iron Throne. The crisis is imminent, but beneath the seemingly peaceful surface of the whole kingdom, there are dark waves. The powerful Baratheon family, the brave and kind-hearted Stark family, the Targaryen family seeking the throne, and the Lannister family with hidden secrets. These families have their own ghosts, and the country will be caught in a scuffle.

Game of Thrones is a medieval epic fantasy TV series based on the American writer George R R Martin's fantasy masterpiece Song of Ice and Fire. The fictional world in the background of the story is divided into two continents: Westeros, the "sunset country" in the west, and a similar Eurasian continent in the east. The danger is getting closer to the discovery of ancient legendary long-extinct creatures at the continental border of Westeros. The Lord of Winterfell and the leader of the Eddard Stark family in the north of the continent also welcomed the visit of his old friend and King Robert Baratheon. The king wants Eddard Stark (Sean Bing Sean Bean) to serve as prime minister against the rebels who are trying to seize the Iron Throne. The crisis is imminent, but beneath the seemingly peaceful surface of the whole kingdom, there are dark waves. The powerful Baratheon family, the brave and kind-hearted Stark family, the Targaryen family seeking the throne, and the Lannister family with hidden secrets. These families have their own ghosts, and the country will be caught in a scuffle.

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