Beast King GoLion

Beast King GoLion (1981)


"the King of Beasts" is a set of Japanese cartoons in the 1980s. Americans edited it into an animated film with another Japanese animated film, "Mecha Battleship", which was introduced by our country in the early 1990s, called "King Kong." The protagonists of the King of Beasts are five pilots who drive five robotic lions of black, red, green, yellow and green respectively. When the five lions combine, they can become the giant robot "king of beasts". Under the leadership of Princess Farah, the heroes launched a counterattack against the evil kingdom of Lule. Like Transformers, this cartoon also has a huge range of toys and books, which is also a cherished memory of many people's childhood. Five members of the Ares team: black Lion: chance-head and torso, get Energy from Lightning Red Lion: Lance-right arm, Green Lion: piggy-left arm, Blue Lion from Wind: Princess Araura-right leg, Yellow Lion from Water: Hank-left leg, Energy from Magma Legend in mythological times, the king of beasts challenged the gods as punishment It is divided into five parts, and the robot "the King of Beasts" is the resurrection of the ancient beast spirit, and its must-kill weapon is the Ten Kings Sword.

"the King of Beasts" is a set of Japanese cartoons in the 1980s. Americans edited it into an animated film with another Japanese animated film, "Mecha Battleship", which was introduced by our country in the early 1990s, called "King Kong." The protagonists of the King of Beasts are five pilots who drive five robotic lions of black, red, green, yellow and green respectively. When the five lions combine, they can become the giant robot "king of beasts". Under the leadership of Princess Farah, the heroes launched a counterattack against the evil kingdom of Lule. Like Transformers, this cartoon also has a huge range of toys and books, which is also a cherished memory of many people's childhood. Five members of the Ares team: black Lion: chance-head and torso, get Energy from Lightning Red Lion: Lance-right arm, Green Lion: piggy-left arm, Blue Lion from Wind: Princess Araura-right leg, Yellow Lion from Water: Hank-left leg, Energy from Magma Legend in mythological times, the king of beasts challenged the gods as punishment It is divided into five parts, and the robot "the King of Beasts" is the resurrection of the ancient beast spirit, and its must-kill weapon is the Ten Kings Sword.

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