Blue Valentine

Blue Valentine (2010)

R | 1h 52m | Romance | USA

"Blue Valentine's Day" went through a lot of twists and turns in the rating, and was finally rated as R. Dean (Ryan Gosling Ryan Gosling) and Cindy (Michelle Williams Michelle Williams) have been together for six years before their marriage is in trouble. The two wanted to mend their relationship with each other on Valentine's Day and specially left their daughter away from home. They also specially found a GuestLovers restaurant, looking for some new "exciting spots" to stimulate their love. But the two had an argument about their attitude towards life in the future, and the relationship became more and more intense instead of being repaired. Dean is comfortable in a mundane life with a wife and daughter, but Cindy wants to start his own business. As the differences between the two men heat up, the happy moments of the good marriage life in the past have now become embarrassing and distressing memories. Does a relationship have to be honed by the "seven-year itch"? The two who once loved each other, once a sweet marriage, otherwise they will eventually fall apart?

"Blue Valentine's Day" went through a lot of twists and turns in the rating, and was finally rated as R. Dean (Ryan Gosling Ryan Gosling) and Cindy (Michelle Williams Michelle Williams) have been together for six years before their marriage is in trouble. The two wanted to mend their relationship with each other on Valentine's Day and specially left their daughter away from home. They also specially found a GuestLovers restaurant, looking for some new "exciting spots" to stimulate their love. But the two had an argument about their attitude towards life in the future, and the relationship became more and more intense instead of being repaired. Dean is comfortable in a mundane life with a wife and daughter, but Cindy wants to start his own business. As the differences between the two men heat up, the happy moments of the good marriage life in the past have now become embarrassing and distressing memories. Does a relationship have to be honed by the "seven-year itch"? The two who once loved each other, once a sweet marriage, otherwise they will eventually fall apart?

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