
Dôsôkai (1993)

50m | Plot, Same-Sex | Japan

The story takes place in a quiet seaside town, where Saito Yuki (Saito Yuki) and her boyfriend Yoshihiro Takashima live a quiet life. By accident, An intermediary met a lively woman named Dano Yuko (Minako Tanaka). The relationship between the two is getting closer and closer. In July, she sensed the change in A Zhong and insisted on breaking up with him. After that, she married her former classmate Fengma Ando (played by Kazuhiko Nishimura). In Ando Fengma's heart, there has always been a hidden secret, that is, he has always been deeply in love with A Zhong, who is of the same sex, and the marriage between him and July is just a cover to deal with his parents. In order to solve the similar pain in the heart, the wind horse lingers in the nightclub, where he met Danye Lan (Yamaguchi Da is also acted the role of), after a night of passion, A Lan fell in love with the wind horse. Finally, July, which has been kept in the dark, broke the adultery between Fengma and A Lan, and she fell into deep pain with grief and indignation.

The story takes place in a quiet seaside town, where Saito Yuki (Saito Yuki) and her boyfriend Yoshihiro Takashima live a quiet life. By accident, An intermediary met a lively woman named Dano Yuko (Minako Tanaka). The relationship between the two is getting closer and closer. In July, she sensed the change in A Zhong and insisted on breaking up with him. After that, she married her former classmate Fengma Ando (played by Kazuhiko Nishimura). In Ando Fengma's heart, there has always been a hidden secret, that is, he has always been deeply in love with A Zhong, who is of the same sex, and the marriage between him and July is just a cover to deal with his parents. In order to solve the similar pain in the heart, the wind horse lingers in the nightclub, where he met Danye Lan (Yamaguchi Da is also acted the role of), after a night of passion, A Lan fell in love with the wind horse. Finally, July, which has been kept in the dark, broke the adultery between Fengma and A Lan, and she fell into deep pain with grief and indignation.

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