Dallas Buyers Club

Dallas Buyers Club (2013)

R | 1h 57m | Plot, Same-Sex, Biography | USA

In 1986, homophobic Texas electrician Ron Woodruff (Matthew McConaughey Matthew McConaughey) found himself suffering from a "gay disease"-AIDS, with only 30 days to live. The AZT (thymidine azide) he used was the only anti-AIDS drug approved by the FDA at that time, but it was extremely toxic. In order to survive, Ron began to study a variety of anti-AIDS prescriptions and alternative therapies, and even smuggled unauthorized drugs from around the world. With the help of doctor sax (Jennifer Garner Jennifer Garner) and transvestite homosexual Raymond (Jared Leto Jared Leto), Ron begins to set up an underground organization called the Dallas buyers Club to provide more "unconventional treatments" for AIDS patients, and many sick gay men turn to him for help. His actions were naturally blocked and pressured by the Drug Administration and drug dealers. Ron finally died in September 1992, 2557 days after he was told he had only 30 days to live. In these nearly seven years, he unremittingly engaged in hard work with the disease, the Drug Administration and drugmakers.

In 1986, homophobic Texas electrician Ron Woodruff (Matthew McConaughey Matthew McConaughey) found himself suffering from a "gay disease"-AIDS, with only 30 days to live. The AZT (thymidine azide) he used was the only anti-AIDS drug approved by the FDA at that time, but it was extremely toxic. In order to survive, Ron began to study a variety of anti-AIDS prescriptions and alternative therapies, and even smuggled unauthorized drugs from around the world. With the help of doctor sax (Jennifer Garner Jennifer Garner) and transvestite homosexual Raymond (Jared Leto Jared Leto), Ron begins to set up an underground organization called the Dallas buyers Club to provide more "unconventional treatments" for AIDS patients, and many sick gay men turn to him for help. His actions were naturally blocked and pressured by the Drug Administration and drug dealers. Ron finally died in September 1992, 2557 days after he was told he had only 30 days to live. In these nearly seven years, he unremittingly engaged in hard work with the disease, the Drug Administration and drugmakers.

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