Film: The Living Record of Our Memory

Film: The Living Record of Our Memory (2021)

2h | Plot | Canada

In the era of digitization, it’s essential to save and archive our images, and yet our cinematic heritage is far from being fully preserved. Many films and much film history are already lost forever. Yet thanks to the often-overlooked work of archivists, curators, technicians, and filmmakers around the world, we are still able to see films that are over 125 years old. This docu...

In the era of digitization, it’s essential to save and archive our images, and yet our cinematic heritage is far from being fully preserved. Many films and much film history are already lost forever. Yet thanks to the often-overlooked work of archivists, curators, technicians, and filmmakers around the world, we are still able to see films that are over 125 years old. This docu...