
Gingitsune (2013)


Silver Fox revolves around the wonderful life of the protagonist Mu Mukoqin (voiced by Kim Yuan Shouzi) and the fox god Yintaro (voiced by Miki Meiichiro) on the stage of the Shrine Shrine. 16-year-old Makoto looks like an ordinary high school student, but in fact she has another identity-the 15th heir to the Tochigi Shrine, so she can see the fox god Yintaro, which is invisible to the naked eye. As God, Makoto is eager to help others, but he is still not mature enough. coupled with Yintaro's cold on the outside and hot on the inside, they will make accidents such as mistakes in divination. Soon after, the shrine ushered in new members, Shen Wei Wu and Shen Zhi Chun, and Makoto's life changed. This animation is adapted from a cartoon of the same name created by Luohe Xiaoye.

Silver Fox revolves around the wonderful life of the protagonist Mu Mukoqin (voiced by Kim Yuan Shouzi) and the fox god Yintaro (voiced by Miki Meiichiro) on the stage of the Shrine Shrine. 16-year-old Makoto looks like an ordinary high school student, but in fact she has another identity-the 15th heir to the Tochigi Shrine, so she can see the fox god Yintaro, which is invisible to the naked eye. As God, Makoto is eager to help others, but he is still not mature enough. coupled with Yintaro's cold on the outside and hot on the inside, they will make accidents such as mistakes in divination. Soon after, the shrine ushered in new members, Shen Wei Wu and Shen Zhi Chun, and Makoto's life changed. This animation is adapted from a cartoon of the same name created by Luohe Xiaoye.