Môryô no Hako

Nan Mu Laizi (voiced by Miyako Takahashi) is a 14-year-old junior high school student who has few friends in the class, but happens to be favored by the dazzling beautiful girl teak plus Caizi (voiced by Luo Songyao) in the class, and the two become friends. Unexpectedly, when they meet by tram to see the lake, Calaizi falls off the platform and is seriously injured by the train. Interpol Matsutaro (voiced by Guan Guizhao) investigated the case and found that Kalaizi seemed to have a mysterious important role. At the same time, with Tama as the center, many mutilated bodies were found in the whole area one after another. Dunzi (voiced by Fako Morishima), Kawaguchi Sun (voiced by Hideyoshi Miguchi) and Shouhiko Nioguchi (voiced by Daisuke Nagawa), who pay attention to the whole incident, are in order to write inside reports. During the investigation, strange buildings were found in the forest, such as huge boxes, and the answer to all the mysteries ultimately depends on Jingjitang (voiced by Hirata).

Nan Mu Laizi (voiced by Miyako Takahashi) is a 14-year-old junior high school student who has few friends in the class, but happens to be favored by the dazzling beautiful girl teak plus Caizi (voiced by Luo Songyao) in the class, and the two become friends. Unexpectedly, when they meet by tram to see the lake, Calaizi falls off the platform and is seriously injured by the train. Interpol Matsutaro (voiced by Guan Guizhao) investigated the case and found that Kalaizi seemed to have a mysterious important role. At the same time, with Tama as the center, many mutilated bodies were found in the whole area one after another. Dunzi (voiced by Fako Morishima), Kawaguchi Sun (voiced by Hideyoshi Miguchi) and Shouhiko Nioguchi (voiced by Daisuke Nagawa), who pay attention to the whole incident, are in order to write inside reports. During the investigation, strange buildings were found in the forest, such as huge boxes, and the answer to all the mysteries ultimately depends on Jingjitang (voiced by Hirata).